
Love Killer: A Passion That Kills

Hellen is an enigmatic woman, admired for her intelligence, cunning and irresistible charm. But behind this seductive appearance, she hides a dark secret that few know about. Meanwhile, a dedicated investigator is undercover at her university, trying to uncover Hellen's secrets and her connection to the criminal underworld. As the investigator gets closer to Hellen, he begins to feel more and more attracted to her. However, he knows that she is a dangerous and ruthless person, capable of eliminating her enemies without mercy. He finds himself in an internal conflict between following the law and surrendering to his feelings for Hellen, which could put his life at risk. In this electrifying plot full of twists, readers will be taken on an exciting journey full of mysteries. They will wonder if the investigator will be able to resist the temptation to give in to his feelings for Hellen, or if he will end up falling into his deadly trap.

Yasmin_Mesquita · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Beyond Appearances

Luis woke up slowly, feeling the weight of sleep still on his body. His eyes opened and he looked around, realizing he was in Mary's house. The soft light from the room illuminated the room, revealing a desk next to the bed. His attention was caught by a plate carefully placed on it.

A feeling of melancholy came over Luis as he remembered everything that had happened. He hadn't shared with Mary and Jane the truth about the drugs Sabrina had mixed into her food. At first, he didn't realize it, consuming small amounts of drugs unconsciously. But as soon as he found out, he stopped eating any food prepared by them, leaving his body weakened.

As Luis struggled to find the strength to stand up, the sound of hearty laughter echoed from the next room, where Mary and Jane were. Those laughs seemed to convey a special connection between the two, awakening a bittersweet feeling in Luis.

He remained there, his mind began to wander into the corners of the past. Images of the night Jane gave him a deep, intense kiss flooded his memory. In the past, he had a strong attraction for her, a feeling he could never fully explore.

However, just as a whirlwind of thoughts intertwined in his mind, Hellen emerged as an unwanted specter. The memory of her attractive and mysterious presence, her sarcastic laughs and even her icy and enigmatic gaze, all of this aroused a mixture of fascination and fear in Luis. He knew that Hellen was dangerous, but extremely tempting.

Mary and Jane's happy voices continued to intertwine, Luis found himself torn between these two very different but equally engaging women. Mary represented security and stability, someone he could trust and find comfort in. On the other hand, Jane personified passion and mystery, a fiery energy that attracted him irresistibly.

However, Hellen's shadow still hovered over his thoughts, reminding him of the devastating consequences that could arise from getting involved in the case and also from submitting to Hellen in order to gain her trust. He knew he couldn't let himself be carried away by conflicting feelings, as danger lurked around every corner.

He knew he needed to keep his guard up and protect those around him. The attraction between him and Jane, although palpable, would have to be controlled to avoid falling into Hellen's traps. So, with his heart torn between safety and temptation, Luis embarked on another stage of his uncertain journey, aware that danger lurked around every corner, while love and betrayal wove a complicated web around him.

While Luis was immersed in his conflicting thoughts, Jane entered the room silently, interrupting the flow of his reflections. She approached cautiously, noticing the thoughtful expression on her face.

Timidly, Jane asked Luis, "Sorry to interrupt your thoughts, Luis. Are you feeling okay? Do you need help getting up?"

Luis looked up to meet Jane's worried eyes. He could feel the kindness and genuine concern in her words, which brought him momentary comfort.

"I'm fine, Jane, thanks for asking," he replied, trying to smile despite his inner turmoil. "But I really need to get up and prepare for what's coming."

Before they could fully explore their feelings, the inevitable worries and questions arose in Jane's mind. With an air of imminent passion exploding, she continued, "What about us? What now? What about James? What if he finds out?"

Luis sighed, understanding the complexity of the situation. He gently held Jane's hands, trying to convey comfort and security. "Jane, I understand your concerns. My main focus is finding the truth. We have to be cautious, especially around James. We can't risk putting him in danger.

Luis knew that James was involved with Sabrina, and that made the situation even more dangerous. As a detective, he needed to protect Jane. They had escaped together from the basement where she was trapped, but now they needed to find a safe place.

"Jane, I need you to stay here, it's safe for you. I can't allow Sabrina to find out where she is and what happened," Luis said firmly.

Jane looked at Luis, her expression mixing relief and concern. She trusted him, knew he would do everything in his power to protect her. But doubts still hovered over them.

"What about us, Luis? What's going to happen to us?", asked Jane, her voice shaking.

Luis looked at Jane, his heart tight with the pain of having to deny her feelings. He wished he could hug her and tell her he felt the same, but he knew it was a risk they couldn't take.

"I understand, Luis. I understand the importance of the case and the need to keep safety first," Jane replied, trying to hide the sadness in her voice. "But I can't deny that I feel something very strong for you."

"Jane, you... I'm attracted to you too. But now is not the right time for us to explore that feeling," Luis said, struggling to keep his voice steady.

Jane nodded, a lone tear running down her face. She knew Luis was right, but that didn't make the situation any less painful. Luis looked at Jane, his heart torn between passion and duty. He knew he couldn't let himself be carried away by desire at that moment, but he also couldn't deny the love he felt for her.

"Jane, I..." Before he could finish the sentence, Jane quickly walked over and placed her hands on Luis' face. Her lips met in an intense kiss, full of emotion and passion. Time seemed to stop around them as they surrendered to that fleeting moment.

Luis's hands wrapped around Jane's waist, pulling her closer to him. Their hearts beat fast, their souls merged into one desire. Farewell was inevitable, but in that kiss they shared all the love and intensity they felt for each other.

When they finally broke apart, their foreheads touched and they looked into each other's eyes, knowing they needed to step away to protect what was most important.

Luis and Jane separated, leaving behind the intensity of the moment they shared. Together, they walked in silence to the kitchen, where Mary was.

As they entered the kitchen, Mary noticed the change in the environment. She looked at Luis and Jane, catching the sadness in their eyes. "What happened? You guys look different," she asked, worried.

Luis sighed and looked at Jane before answering. "We…had an important conversation.

Mary nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. She approached Jane and held her hand. "I understand, Luis, but please promise that you will be careful and that we won't go through the same thing as last time."

Luis looked at Mary, feeling the confidence and concern in her words. He knew he needed to explain the situation, but he also needed to keep some secrets to protect the case he was involved in. "Mary, I wish I could tell you everything, but there is sensitive information that I cannot reveal at this time. Believe me, I am doing my best to solve this case.

Mary nodded once again, showing trust in Luis. "I understand, Luis. I won't interfere with your work.

Luis looked at Jane, seeking her approval for the next request he would make. "Mary, I know this is a difficult request, but could Jane stay with you for a while? It's important to keep her safe while I focus on the investigation."

Mary looked at Jane and smiled softly. "Of course, Jane, you're welcome in my home. We'll look out for each other, I'm sure we'll find a way to help, even if it's from a distance."

With the arrangements made, they knew it was time to move on. Luis said goodbye to Jane, promising to keep her informed about any news in the case. Jane looked at him with a mix of sadness and hope.

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Luis headed towards the police station, his mind full of conflicting thoughts. He knew he would have to face his boss, Paul, and explain his recent actions. The weight of the consequences of his choices began to weigh on his shoulders.

Upon arriving at the police station, Luis looked for Paul and found him in his office. Paul's worried look indicated that he was aware of recent events and the investigations Luis was involved in.

"Luis, you finally showed up. We were worried about you," Paul said with a serious tone.

Luis took a deep breath, trying to remain calm and pretend that everything was under control. He knew that for now, he couldn't involve James or fully reveal the details of the case. "Sorry for the delay, Paul. There were some unforeseen issues in my investigation, but I'm doing my best to resolve this situation."

Paul looked at Luis with concern, it was 5 days that Luis almost reported him missing and closed the case even James disappeared. "Luis, you know I trust you, but maybe this case is beyond what we can solve.... I need you to tell me what's going on and without lies and nonsense.

Luis felt the weight of Paul's words and realized the gravity of the situation. He knew he could no longer hide the truth and that he needed to trust his superior.

"Paul, I understand your concern and I thank you for the trust you place in me," Luis said seriously. "The last few days have been intense and dangerous. I was held captive in the basement of the Black Diamond, Sabrina's nightclub. During this time, I discovered something shocking: Sabrina is involved in drug trafficking, and the substances are being mixed into food and drinks sold there."

Paul frowned, absorbing Luis's revelations. "This is serious, Luis. Drug involvement is a serious crime, and the safety of our citizens is at risk. But what about James? You mentioned that he is acting together with Sabrina, but you have no proof?"

Luis sighed, feeling the weight of the circumstances on his shoulders. "I believe James is involved, but I don't have concrete proof yet. We need to tread carefully and get more information before confronting him. I believe he may be being manipulated by Sabrina, but I can't risk putting his life in danger without evidence." solid."

Paul nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. "Luis, we know you're an excellent detective, and I'm confident in your ability to solve this case. But we need hard evidence before we act. Keep investigating, gathering evidence, and staying safe. If you need support, I'm here to help ."

With a handshake and a determined look, Luis left Paul's room, ready to face the dangers and challenges that awaited him in his search for the truth.