
Love Is...What?

Vera Gilmore didn't think that getting involved with the sweet, unassuming guy who came into her antique shop would be so dangerous. Casey Parker has a dark past and family secrets no one knows about. His identical twin, Kane, has never been anything but trouble so when Vera comes into his life, he is absolutely determined to keep Kane away from her. Kane has other plans. He won't let anyone mess with Casey...even someone who supposedly loves him. Can Casey live a normal life with Vera or will Kane make that impossible? Read on to find out! *cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

Mcllorycat · Urban
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195 Chs

I'm Sorry

Freaks? They weren't freaks at all. They were heart-breakingly tragic victims of abuse. Candy had to be a family member that forced her twisted view of love on them from a tender age for it to have sunk in this fully. 

Vera couldn't help the tears that rolled down her cheeks. "You aren't freaks at all. I won't tell anybody. I love Casey and my version of love involves accepting people exactly as they are. I don't care about what he's been through. I just want him to be happy."

Kane stopped momentarily, tilting his head as if confused. "You're crying. Why?"

"Because the person I love most went through something terrible. Wouldn't you cry if you were me?"

"The…person you love most?"

"Yes," Vera said as the tears continued coursing down her face, barely holding back her sobs of both fear and heartbreak. She needed to hold it together and keep him talking while he was confused to hold him off until the cops arrived.