

— where am I..who are these people, why are they looking at me...wait... I cannot move...🤯🤯

— Mr. can you hear me?you are hospitalized and wake up after ten years

—Wait I was with my parents yesterday ,but where are they ...

— Sir. can you tell me what's your name?

— Sss..ss...Sam... it's my name ,but why am I here ? Did something happen yesterday?

—Sir. listen carefully and don't be shocked😣you

and your partner were attacked by an assassian, likely you survived but unfortunately your parents have left this world..

—Then how I get here?😦

— There was a girl with you when you came she was taking care of you,I think she was your slave but after slavery has cancelled she still was here so everyone thought that she was your girlfriend..

—Wait...what.. after what....

— After slavery has cancelled?It has been 5 years already but still she was here,I think she may came in every minute..

—What was her name?

—I think it was....

— Tania sir. it's me..

—Why are you here? where are others!!!😡😡😡

—Sir. please don't be angry it's long story I will tell you everything slowly but now you must rest...