
Campus Romance

The day was warm, the sun hung in the sky oozing it's glory on the plants and organisms that need its light and energy, slight wind rippled through the clothes on the hanging line, it slapped different to have sun and a breeze, how refreshing? Throngs of students crowded the freshly sprayed and arranged hall in a second, class was about to start and Professor Mildred was not waiting for anyone. Her voice was carried throughout the hall. She motioned the class to get settled, within two shakes of a duck's tail, all was set. This was my first class since registering for my classes last week and it was hell of a hustle getting here, in class leave alone the endless coupons I had to fill with my personal information and it kind of felt like I was saying too much about myself.

"Previously on Elements of Law, we discussed Trespass to land and today we shall discuss Torts... ." She dove right in, never considered refreshing some us (by us I mean me) . She never wastes time. I like her already. Game on. Beside me, there was a girl who I noticed about a second ago and I imagined how she would feel against my chest when I hugged her, and breathe her scent in till it made sense why I was thinking of her in class. I glanced at her, her hazel eyes my dark brown ones and gave a weak smile and went back to listening to Prof Mildred. Shyly looking away, I felt a longing to see her look at me. I passed a note and she grabbed it as soon as I slid it over. I could feel my own heartbeat in her breathing.

I was falling for her with each passing second. I was waiting for her reply when I turned to the shocking stare of Professor Mildred, I cleared my throat and looked straight at the white board. My thoughts had to give me a chance to attend this class, shit life's hard.

"Now that you've understood what a Tort is and who a tort feasor is, I'd like you to proceed to page 311 and do assignments 1 and 2, deadline is in a week, have your work handed in before Friday,"

She didn't waste too much time explaining any of the stuff she just taught. I was still thinking of this anonymous girl who I didn't have courage to ask her name.

"I'm Blair" I stretched my hand and she took it. She had warm soft hands, she hardly didn't any rough work based on the texture of her delicate palms. My unhappy stature was being demolished by the beauty of this super girl in front of my eyes. I felt a relief when I drew her hand for greetings.

"I'm Cate, you can call me by your name if you forget mine." I got her joke, She was this rare breed who was brought up in the city, probably never went too far from home and now joined university and later take over her family business. I could see this, maybe I was wrong and misjudged her. I knew I wasn't wrong because her expensive appearance with a cashmere coat and Luis Vuitton bag on her shoulder spoke volumes of her background. She didn't even know how to hide it.

A princess charming for that matter.

Class was over. "Want a drink maybe? She wasn't surprised when I asked, just smiled, gave me that I-Know-look and followed closely behind. I wanted to know her so much that I began to think I was becoming obsessed. Hope I didn't make it obvious. I didn't even think about the social difference between us at the moment. That's life right?


At the cafe where I frequent, there was my corner, a table for two, chosen by nature when I came in with a girl behind me like a dedicated follower of my teaching, probably she's a good student and will get every inch when I give her the ruler. Haha.

"Please" I pulled her a seat. Like the gentleman I am.

"I'm not here to bore you with unending stories of my undying love for you, because I've just met you. And secondly I only wanted company anyway. This school can be lonely sometimes"

She was already smiling as I ran my mouth.

Coffee was sipped in the quiet, just amazed faces gladly looking at each other. They both found company in each other. I was feeling elated when she spoke, her voice was calm, and so confident.

"An accounting major too?" She puzzled me.

"Yeah, second year"



"An accounting major too?" I interjected his thoughts.

"Yeah, second year. " He slurred.

I melted, heat of the coffee was escalating the room temperature and suddenly there was shortage of air. My lungs were failing me, maybe my nostrils were overwhelmed. I looked shyly at him before his eyes met mine, I looked away. It felt like a silly game till he said.

"So how come a princess like you ends up in this dump?" Arrogance was his strong suit, little consideration of the welfare of other people around him. I felt insulted at the same time intrigued because he called me a princess. He acknowledged that I'm pretty. Some points. I patted myself on the shoulder and smiled when answering his nosy form.

"First I'm glad we met here in this dump because who knows what you'll be doing where you rightfully belong... I trailed after I saw a smirk on his face, it seemed as if his look was affecting me. I need to avoid his eyes. I was telling myself.

" This dump is the only place that would accept me, so show respect. Just so you know, I'm a princess and I've come to take back my crown." I was both metaphorical and literally meaning every sense of the words.

My stomach turned after saying the words, I wasn't the irrational one, my head was spinning and he stood there grinning. He must have been feeling good about himself as if he was aware of the effect he had on me. Enjoying the show.

Being a lady with a busy life and meeting someone perfectly the reason you are alive, feels a thousand worlds away from Earth, a feeling I you can only experience to understand what I'm trying to say. I met him and he met me, together we fell even though I'm not sure about him but I'm falling hard for this boy. His story is different, maybe he's bad for me but the heart wants what it wants.

We stood, he paid and we left with memories of the cafe on my first day in this 'dump', how silly. I'm already repeating his words. Pray for me.

We walked out of the school compound, said our goodbyes and parted ways. His scent stuck on me when we hugged, I sniffed my hand so many times that I lost count.