
Karu Chan! Who's that girl?

The next morning a group of men stopped Karuta, demanding his connection with Yui and were just gonna punch him when someone suddenly comes out from behind and knocks 4 of them out. Karu Chan what are you doing out here? Who are these guys? Karuta sighed and thought shouldn't she have asked that before knocking these people out cold? These guys are fans of that Yui and since she joined my club these guys have been annoying me. Hearing Yui's name suddenly made her face contract for a fraction of second, fast enough to make karuta think he was just dreaming that. She then asked why would she join Karu Chan's club shouldn't there be lots of clubs with less members or those who revere her? "I dunno" he shrugged while showing disappointment. What are you doing here Haru nee? Haru nee is the Student council president of the school where Karuta and Yui study and holds the position of the ditzy goddess as she is kind of air headed but extremely perceptive and smart as well as good looks which makes her any man's desire. She was Karuta's next door neighbour, childhood friend and a neigh role model. He grew up while studying with her and now she just won't give up Karuta to some wannabe clubmate. "I will join your club" she declared hearing this Karuta sighed and said "what about your student council and martial arts club" while facepalming. She just smiled and said "no problem i will manage, i will take care of my Karu Chan"

No one noticed but her pretty face gave a cold smile after saying that which was followed by her warm smile for Karuta as she trotted behind him to school giving off a vibrant smile.