
Love? Is This Real? BL

This is Oliver’s story, he’s naive and oblivious to this man he just met and fell in love with. Oliver has no idea who this Amman is, all Oliver knows is that he’s madly in love with him. However, when the truth comes out, will Oliver still stand by Alex’s side?

Its_Oli_23 · Realistic
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3 Chs

It’s A Date!


" I..I love you..Alex." I felt hesitant but relieved so I smiled then hugged him. "Oli, I love you too." I felt him hug me back softly while leaning on my shoulder.

"Oli? Do you want to stay over after dinner? I want to get to know you better and I'm sure you'd like to get to know me some more too." We both smile and laugh until I nod.

"Yes, I'd love that Alex." We both stood up and he got out of the bathtub holding his hand out to me. I smiled and held his hand as he wrapped his other around my waist.

He helped me out and handed me a towel. "Here you go." He smiled and grabbed another towel to dry off with. I quickly dried off my hair and worked down to my feet.

"So, I have to leave for a meeting. I promise it should only take 20 minutes and when I get back we can go have dinner together." Alex was getting dressed while talking.

"Definitely! I'd love that Alex!" I smiled at Alex then I began buttoning my white shirt. I caught him grinning as he slid his pants and socks on.

We quickly both finished getting dressed and He gave me some shoes to wear. "I won't be gone for long Oli." He says as he opens the door and buttons his blazer.

"Y..you look really good! Be careful." I smiled at him as I rubbed his shoulder. "You can keep the outfit, my love. You look really good yourself."

He says to me as he holds my hand ever so gently. I kiss his cheek and he blushes. As he walked away I could tell he seemed a bit surprised. I reached out and held his hand.

"Please, have a good day." He looked at me with a shocked look. He seemed a bit pleased as he smiled at me and ruffled my hair.

"You can explore around Oliver, make yourself feel at home. I won't be gone for too long." He smiled and walked out of the room.

I quickly finished getting dressed and then I walked out of the room. To my left was a door that seemed to be the front door.

I decided to go back down the swirly stairs. I saw the beautiful piano and walked over towards it. I then see a plushie and pat it. "That's so cute, a little duck." I said softly as I smiled and sat on the bench.

I took a deep breath and sighed as I pressed one of the keys on the piano. "That's just beautiful, I'm glad I took piano lessons back in high school!" I cheered as I began to play the piano while humming softly.

[ "Comptine D'un Autre Été" by Yann Tiersen ]

I miss playing the piano like this. I thought to myself as I smiled while playing the notes. I felt the sunlight from the window shine on my face.

It felt so relaxing when I closed my eyes. The sun shine's on my face while I play the piano.

I felt my hair graze my cheek when I leaned my head back. I leaned back forward and played the ending notes carefully as I sped up.

The notes came out of my fingertips gently yet quickly. I then came to a stopping point and slowed down on the last notes.

"Sniffs." I jumped on the bench and turned in surprise to see Emma crying while holding her handkerchief. "I-I'm sorry!"

I apologized quickly and walked over towards her as she stood by the stairs on the right side of the piano by the window.

She wipes her tears away and folds her handkerchief, then slides it back in her purse. She looked at me with a smile.

"Alex is waiting outside for you, he asked me to come to get you." I paused and noticed her smile while formally holding her hands together.

"You know.. Ms.Emma, there's no need to be formal around me. I mean, I'm not as important as Alex."

I felt a burning sensation on my cheek. That's when I realized what had just happened. Emma's face changed quickly and she looked furious.

She slapped my face and it stung badly. "W-why.." I said underneath my breath. "How could you say something so stupid, Oliver!"

He hasn't slept with anyone for the past three years! And you think just because he slept with you, he's going to leave you just like that!"

"No! Because you know what, I've been his assistant since I was 19! And I've made major mistakes that should've cost me my job and I'm still here as his assistant!"

She lashed out at me, then starts to break down in tears. "I-I'm so sorry Emma.. I had no idea.. I'm sorry I doubted him." I say as I pull her in slowly for a hug.

She gave in as she sniffs. "I'm sorry as well, I have no idea what you've been through during past relationships to become so shunned.

However, you should get going before Alex gets worried." She replies as I let her go and smile. "You are a very amazing woman.

She walks me back up the stairs while she talks to me. "Thank you, Oliver. I hope you and Alex work things out together.

We may have met in a very unexpected way, although he speaks of you like he's never seen anyone so elegant, and charming as you. I believe you made a huge impression on him, Oliver."

I froze and looked at her. You really think so?" I asked while looking at her confused. "Well of course." She looked back at me with a straight face.

I know that I shouldn't have any doubt in him but, it's kind of hard to believe that I finally may have found true love.

"I hope you have a good time with Alex this afternoon." She smiled as she stood in the hallway. "Bye Ms.Emma."

I say as I unlock the door and wave. "Oh. And one more thing Oliver, please just call me Emma. She replies while waving. "Oh alright then, Emma!"

I walk out and close the door shut. I let out a sigh of relief and walked down the hall. There's gotta be an elevator somewhere around here.

I thought to myself as I walked further down the hall. Ah, this way! I see the sign calling me! I rush over to the elevator instantly.

Whew! The elevator opens and I enter. Wow, floor 23. Hopefully, it doesn't take too long to get down. I thought to myself as I pressed for one for the first floor.

Luckily, no one else called the elevator so I got down quickly with no interruptions. I let out another sigh of relief and walked out of the elevator.

I see Alex and he smiles at me so I rush over to him with a smile. "Alex!" I tell him as I run towards him. He smiles and opens his arms to me.

"Wait. What are you doing Alex?" I say to him, holding back a laugh. " O-oh nothing," he says while putting his arms down looking embarrassed. "Hahaha! I'm just kidding Alex!"

I cry with laughter as I hug his arm and smile. "Right! Haha. That was pretty good, I thought I got rejected there for a second.

He smiles and hugs me back while I hold his arm. "S-so you wanted me down? Are you ready to go then, Alex?" I smile at him and hold his hand.

"Yes, we can go now, Oli." He smiles and holds my hand gently while we walk out the double doors when they slide over.

"Alright then Oli, where would you like to go for dinner?" We walked towards a parked car in front of the huge building we stood in front of.

I remember this area because, yeah! The club is down the street across. Woah. I live so close and I never thought about what this place was.

Alex waves his hand in front of me. "Oli? You ok goofy?" He asks me while tilting his head in front of me. "Oh! Yes of course! B-but is it alright if we just walk around? There's this restaurant I've been eating to check out." I ask him and smile back.

"Sure Oli! That sounds great." He smiles and takes my hand into his while we walk down the sidewalk. As we reach the stoplight I see the restaurant I was talking about.

"Hey Alex, let's cross here! The place I was talking about is on the other side." I excitedly told him about it. "They have sandwiches and even breakfast menus!

Oh. and they also have dessert too!" He looked at me with a grin which stopped me from saying anything else. "Sorry Oliver, you're too cute when you get excited."

He smiles and presses the crosswalk while holding my hand closer. I leaned on his shoulder and the crosswalk flickered white.

We crossed over while people passed us or walked the opposite way. I held his hand tighter and I began to worry.

"Are you alright Oli?" he asked while holding both my hands that were clinging onto his left shoulder. "Y-yes! I'm fine. Just scared of crosswalks, that's all." I confessed to him immediately.

"No...I'm scared of crosswalks because my older brother was crossing but, the driver wasn't paying attention and hit him. He nearly got killed that day, but he's good now."

He seemed to understand and didn't question me either. "I gave my brother a nickname after that incident. I started calling him limp noodle."

we both broke out into laughter and made it to the other side. "Well! This is the place!" I rushed over towards the small restaurant with excitement.

"Come on Alex, hurry!" I then twirled and opened the door with a smile. "After you, my majes-ty! Hahaha!" I broke out into a laugh and followed Alex in while he chuckled.

"Please, take a seat anywhere you'd like, and I'll bring over the menus." The old man told us as we walked in. "Alright, thank you, Ma'am!" Me and Alex sat in the booth in the corner by the window. "Oh! Here Oli, I keep forgetting to give this to you."

Alex passes my phone to me. "Oh! I thought I'd left it at the bar or something haha." I told him as I took my cell phone and powered it back on. "W-wait you thought you left it?" Alex asked me with concern.

"Yeah and it would've been perfectly fine too because I know the Bartender. He's actually my best friend, oh and the other Bartender too.

I believe they're dating so it'd be his girlfriend, Alice." I say to him as the cook comes up to us holding the menus.

"Hello gentlemen, I'm Maddie and I'll be your waiter and cook for today! If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. Now then, I'll give you guys some time to decide what you would like."

The woman walks off with a smile on her face that lights the whole room. I don't know whether she could tell or if she's just always that cheerful. "She reminds me of my sister." I blurted out as I watched her walk away.

I looked at Alex as he looked at me confused. "You mean the waitress? How so?" He asked me as he laid his head down on his elbow.

He gazed at me as I turned and did the same with him. "Well, my sister was always happy and tried her best even when things got hard. She's the youngest, yet she acts and looks way more mature than I do."

"She's been through a lot at a young age yet I never understand how she can always smile like that." Alex gazed at me and smiled when we made eye contact.

"Sorry Oli, I wasn't really paying attention to her. Hey, maybe your sister may be doing it for your sake." He says to me while sliding the menu closer to him.

"Maybe you're right. I never thought about it that way. I was always the childish one between me and my sister Isolde.

Um, so If you don't mind, I'd rather wait to talk about my past." I say as a deep sigh followed. "It's alright Oli, I completely understand that it's a sensitive topic.

"How about we order food and I'll tell you more about me and you can ask questions if you like." He gave me a gentle smile and leaned on my shoulder.

I smiled and wrapped my arm around his shoulder. " How did I get so lucky to have someone like you, Alex." I said under my breath.