
First day at new school

Anvi going to her new school [ROYAL SCHOOL]. She is quite nerveous.

Anvi- Why am I getting so nervous? OH what to do.

She entered the school campus. It was 10 times bigger than her former school.

Anvi- Oh my goodness. This school campus is damn big. What if I got lost. I should ask someone about my class.

She saw some students in front of the gate. She asked about the class. But those students wants to prank her because she is a new student. 

Anvi- excuse me, do you know Where is principal's office?

The boy came in front of her . his name is Addy.

Addy- Are you a new student?

Anvi- Yes i got transfer to this school.

Addy- oh its your first day.

Anvi- Yes , would you tell me where is the principal's office? I have to give him my letter of transfer in this school.

Addy- ohk. go to the straight than right take stairs and on the third floor take left you find principal's office.

She go to that place as she found there is no principla's room but men's washroom.

Anvi got super angry.


Addy POV 

addy is super naughty student of the royal school. He always prank and bully others because his father is the biggest share holder of the school.

Addy and his friends played a game in which addy lost so his punishment is to prank a girl to let her go the men's washroom. 

When he saw anvi he pranked her.



She got super angry. She heard someone laughing her on her back.It was Addy,

Addy- sorry, i dont mean to do this. Actually I got lost in the game so....

Anvi- Shut up. i dont want to hear anything from.

Addy- Attitude huh.

Anvi- get lost.

Addy- no one dares to talk me like this . you don't know who I am.

Anvi- Whoever you are I don't care.

Addy- do you even know who are you messing with?

Anvi- I dont care.

Addy- I like it. Now i'll show you who I am. Just wait and watch.

Anvi- Whatever.

Anvi is going to find the principal office. She finally found the office.

Anvi knocked the door.

Anvi- May I come in Sir?

Principal- Sir you may come in.

Anvi- Hello Sir I am Anvi.The new transfer student from country Alm.

Anvi handed over her letter of being transfer to this school and her previous grade cards.

Principal- Oh So you are the new transfer student. You are Mr. Malhotra's daughter. Oh You are the city topper . Your grades are quite impressive. 

Anvi- Thank you Sir.

Principal - May be you didn't know but your father and Me we are college Mates.

Anvi- I know sir. Dad told me about you.

Principal- you know. That's good

Principal called Miss Jennie in her office.

Principal- Miss Jennie . This is the new transfer student Anvi,  Give her extra care. We need students like her.

Miss Jennie- ok Sir.

Principal- Anvi She is Miss Jennie, you're class teacher and English teacher.

Anvi- Hello Miss Jennie. Pleased to meet you.

Miss Jennie- Hello Anvi. Come with me. I show you your classroom.

Anvi followed Miss Jennie to the classroom.