
Anvi got kidnapped

Anvi Malhotra - Female lead

Advik Roy - Male lead

Anvi POV

She is standing on the school gate waiting for her parents.

Someone was watching her. She didn't realize that. A car came and stopped in front of school gate. A lady get down from the car.

Lady- Are you Anvi?

Anvi ignored her because her parents told her not to talk with strangers.

Lady- Hey little girl your name is Anvi right?

Anvi- My mumma says don't talk to strangers.

Lady- I am your mumma's friend. She told me to pick you.

Anvi- Really you are my mumma's friend? But I never seen you before.

Lady- Your mumma was right. You won't believe anyone so easily just like your dad.

Anvi- My mumma said this.

Lady- Yes Now let's go your mumma is waiting for us.

Anvi sat on the car and going with that lady.

Anvi- I didn't ask you. How do you know my mumma?

Lady- You can ask your mumma she will tell you how We met.

The lady took her into an old and scary house.

Anvi- Aunt Why did you take me here. This place is so scary.

Lady- Your mom is inside.

Anvi- No I don't wanna go inside. Please I want to go my home.

Lady- But Your mom is inside.

Anvi- No I don't wanna go.

That woman slapped Anvi and forcefully took her inside that house. She tied her with the rope and throw her into the room. Anvi was screening no one listens to her. She suddenly heard someone crying in that room.

Anvi- Whose there?

Advik- It's me.

Anvi- Who?

Anvi saw there is boy who is crying.

Anvi- Whats your name?

Advik- My name is Advik.

Anvi- My name is Anvi. Did that cruel lady also kidnapped you.

Advik- Yes.

Anvi- You don't worry. My daddy will save both of us.

That woman entered the room. She started slapping Anvi.

Lady- Your daddy will never find you. That bastard ruin my life. I will ruin yours.

Advik- Please don't hit her.

Lady- Shut up. You are just here for my money. If you took her side I will kill u with her.

Anvi- No No Don't do anything to him.

Advik- Let us go My dad will give you alot of money.

That woman locked the room from outside.

Anvi was scared she started crying loudly.

Advik- Don't cry I am with you.

Anvi- She said she will kill me.

Advik- I won't let you get hurt. We will run away

Anvi- But how?

Advik- I have a plan.

They both release each other from the rope. They locked the room from in side. Then they got out from the room and run away. They both were holding hand and running faster.

A car suddenly came. Advik hold anvi.

Advik-  Are you fine?

Anvi- yes I am.

Anvi- listen Will you marry me.

Advik- What?

Anvi- My mumma said if I find a boy who save me from trouble I should marry him.

Advik- Ok. But we can't marry now. When we grow up I'll marry you.

Anvi- promise.

Advik- promise.

They suddenly saw a policeman.

Advik- Police uncle please save us someone kidnapped us. We run away.

Police officer took them to Police station contact their parents. Their parents came. Their parents taking them home.

Advik- Mom wait.

He run to Anvi gave her a smiley keychain he is having.

Advik- That's my gift to you. Whenever you are sad and scared that makes you cheer up.