
Glare and happy


(we enter the living room) Hello fath..huh

Duke Howard. I finally meet with Duke Howard my to be fiancé, it doesn't feel right me calling him fiancee, since we are not even lovers. I met Duke Howard when I was a kid, he used to come with his family to visit my parents, and we ended up playing together. We were best friend, however circumstances changed. When I saw him one year ago, the boy I knew already disappeared. He doesn't smile like he use to, I know people change overtime, but I don't think in his case, if it is for the better; he became cold and distant)


Princess Fatou, you have grown beautiful.


(Forced smile)

Thanks, but no thanks. I don't like people I just met in a long time telling me I'm beautiful. Also it is obvious that I'm beautiful.

Well, living that aside, why are you here. Well then again, I'm busy today. So whatever you are here for make it quick because I'm leaving in 5 minutes, of course, if whatever you want to say requires my attention.


I think you already know my presence here.


I have no idea what you talking about.


You never change do you. But I do like strong women.

So if you have forgotten, i'll remind you

I am here for the proposal. I want our family relationship to improve,

Marrying the daughter of a nobleman. our family statue will improve.


(I think he means our family will be feared and powerful, so that no one can oppose.

I bite my lower lip.

I was about to say something when soji grab his collar).


"You asswhole"? She not a tool to be use, she is a person.

Don't came barging in her family house and say crap like that.


( " Throb throb" I don't know why but seeing him defend me warm my heart.

I grab soji shoulder and turn my head side to side).

I am sorry for my friend behavior, (evil smile) he didn't mean to offend you

He was just...(when my brother cut me).


Well soji are you against the marriage proposal




Then I propose this, Why not MATCH

If you win soji, Fatou will have the liberty chose anyone she wants to marry. However, if Duke Howard won he will get to do whatever he wishes and marry Fatou.


Hey, don't Game me.


Fatou I think you understand.


Yes! I'll accept the challenge.


Soji….. you shouldn't accept without knowing you opponent weakness.

Beside he's too strong for you.


"Fatou" I'm sorry I can't let him marry you.

I know I have no chance of winning but I wanna fight till the end.


(thumb thumb thumb?

I don't know why but when he said that. My heart started pounding. He even said it without any hesitation. Even though he knows that he have no luck of beating him. It makes me really happy).