
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs

The Sister

Jay had one older sister, 5 years older than him. She was very protective over Jay. She had gotten married at the age of 28 and after many years of trying, she finally conceived and has one little boy whom is now 4 years old.

She has always been very motherly to Jay. When their parents were away on business trips, she would always make sure he was well fed and did his homework. If he ever got into trouble with the teachers, she would go and talk to them.

Jay's phone buzzed and the name Cecil appeared. He forgot he was angry with his sister and immediately picked up the phone. "Hello???? Jay are you there? How was the date? She is nice isn't she? I told you that you were like her."

"Sis, I know you love me and worry about me but can you stop setting up dates for me. I refuse to go on anymore dates you set up. The last one was a nightmare!"

"Jay, how can you say that? I have scanned thru the girls before even setting them up for you. You are already 29 years old and still single. Please get a girlfriend else I would have to set you up with another."

"Sis, the last date asked me how much I would pay her money monthly if she dates me and besides I have my eyes set on another".

Cecil almost dropped her phone when she heard what her brother said. Fuming with anger "I am going to kill her, that b***h. Wait you said what. Your eyes on someone? Who? Where? It's a she? Tell me more!"

Jay just chuckled and told her that when the time comes she will be the first to know.