
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

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44 Chs

The Mission

Step 1 : Find out where Belle is

Step 2 : Go to Belle

Step 3 : Apologise

Step 4 : Get close to her

Step 5 : Make her mine

That was what was playing in Jay's mind. As easy as it sounds, he knows that is impossible. He didn't even have a mobile number. So silly of him. As she was staying with him and always with him, he didn't need to call her. But now he would have to track her down.

He has asked his personal assistant, Ben to help him look into his. 3 days has past and there was still no news. Lost in thoughts, he didn't hear his office door knocking.

"Mr. Pierre.. Mr Pierre.. Hello... Hello".

Startled, Jay looked at Ben and stared at him with dagger eyes.

"Sorry, I knocked for quite a bit and called you but you were preoccupied. Sorry Mr. Pierre. But I have news".

"What is it Ben?"

"Er, I found her. Miss Belle is currently in San Francisco. I have all the information in this file. Including the information about her family and friends."

"Thank you Ben. You may leave" said Jay while taking the file from Ben.

His heart was thumping hard as he opened the file.


Belle Saintly Morse. Age 25 years old. Born 28 February 1987. Residing in San Francisco with her brother, Joe Bentley Morse and her nephew, Dan Loewe Morse. Owns The Cookie Factory. Has 8 outlets.

Best friend : Jamie Cook

Personal Assistant : Cassandra Lee

The report was 10 pages long, describing Belle's personal life in detail. Jay was impressed with her background and what she achieved for herself. At 25 years old, she managed to build her small empire.

Smiling to himself, he couldn't wait to see her. But his expression turned grim. "What shall I do when I meet her. How do I apologise. How do I react. Shit".

He decided to head to San Francisco in a weeks time. He was going to bring Shiela and Dr. Percy with him. After all, they came from San Francisco. It would be good to be home.