
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs

She's Awake

Everyone turned and looked at Belle. Their jaws were dropped open and they were speechless. All of a sudden, everyone became frantic and fussing around Belle. Shiela, Cecil, Danny and Claire stood in front of Belle and looked at her. They were smiling and gleaming with happiness.

"Belle Saintly Morse!!! You are finally awake! Do you know what you put us through. Why did you take so long to wake up!" shrieked Joe.

"Babe, how are you feeling? Do you need water? Come, let me help you sit up". Jay was feeling happy but nervous at the same time. He didn't know what to do and how to react at that time.

Belle frowned at the atmosphere around her but at the same time she noticed a few people that she did not recognise. Her temple was going to burst from the fussing she was receiving when suddenly Dr. Percy growled at everyone to get out from the room. He needed to do a quick checkup on her.

"Everyone OUT. Please leave the room immediately. We need to run a quick checkup on her."

The room became quiet in an instant and everyone slowly inched towards the door. However, Jay was very hesitant to leave Belle alone. His feet wouldn't move and he was just stuck to the ground. He was afraid if he left, something might happen to her again.

Dr. Percy grabbed Jay and dragged him out of the room.

"Jay, she just woke up and she will be all right. We just need to confirm that. Don't worry, you can stand by the door. You will be the first to know the results".

With that, Jay felt relieved and finally headed outside the room.

Dr. Alice walked in at the same time with a smile on her face. She was relieved that Belle's awake. All they needed to do is to verify her current body condition.

It took a good 30 minutes to check on Belle from top to toe. She was in pristine condition. Later in the day, they would send Belle for an MRI to double check on her brain condition.

Dr. Percy and Dr. Alice left the room and announced the result to everyone but warned everyone not to swarm around her. They should take turns visiting her.


Back in the room, Belle was feeling restless. She was confused to why everyone was fussing about her. She last recalled that she was in an argument with Alex. Jay came in and lastly she was stabbed by Alex. Then after, she couldn't remember what else happened.

There was a splinting ache from her stomach. Whenever she moved, she felt discomfort. However, the first thing that she wanted to do is to brush her teeth and wash her hair. The pain can wait but cleanliness is a must, thought Belle.

Belle swung her legs over to the bed side and tried to stand up when she almost toppled down. However, instead of falling down, she was caught and held by Jay. Surprised, she looked at Jay.

With a worried look, Jay shake his head and told Belle, "Babe, you just woke up. What are you doing out of bed. Don't be silly. You muscles are like jelly. You would need to stretch and slowly get into movement".

"Uh, Jay. I don't know how long I was asleep for but do you know what I'm wearing?? I have adult pampers on! Who on earth wears adult pampers?? I haven't brushed my teeth and showered in how long! I feel like a grub! Where do you think I'm heading?" proclaim Belle. She was embarrassed but annoyed at the same time.

Joe who was standing at the side, burst out into laughter.

"My baby sister, I'll call for the nurse to help you. Don't let it out on poor Jay."

Jay just kept quiet keeping mum. He was feeling terrible. He should have been more thoughtful.

"Erm, sorry about that. Let me help you into the toilet while waiting for the nurse".

"Thanks. Sorry for my outburst. Just that, I really need a shower", smiled Belle.