
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs

Love Is In The Air

Pacing up and down, Dr. Percy (whom full name is Seth Danzel Percy), was feeling very nervous. He was in the private room, which Jay booked.

The room was decorated with his and Shiela's pictures, balloons, fairy lights and more. It was a really romantic scene. Both Jay and Belle had helped out a lot and put in a lot of effort. But Seth just couldn't calm his nerves.

"Hey, down this. It will help. Stop walking up and down like a madman. I'm already getting dizzy watching you", exclaimed Jay.

"What if she rejects me? What if things doesn't work out? Oh god, I feel like puking. I need to get out of here!"

"Chill, if you don't try you don't know. Now just down this glass of whiskey and sit down".

Gulping down the entire glass, Seth felt a burning sensation down his throat but it did calm him down.

"Ok dude, I'm going to get the hell out of here. Belle just texted me, they have arrived the parking. Good luck! It will be well".

And out dashed Jay before Seth could say anything.


After registering, the waiter was showing both of them to the room.

"Babe, I need to go to the toilet! Why don't you go into the room first. I'll meet you later".

"Hey you sure?? I can walk you to the toilet!"

Belle wanted to face palm at that moment. She couldn't let Shiela follow her anywhere.

"Nope, it's allright. I think I need to spend a loooooong time in there. I won't want you waiting for me while your nose is enticed with the smell".

"Hahaha, okay!! You have a good shit!", laughed Shiela.


As the waiter opened the door, Shiela had the surprise of her life. Seth Danzel Percy was standing in front of her holding a bouquet of roses. Not only did he look bedazzling but he looked hot. He was donning a Armani suit that was fitted to him perfectly. One could see his body outline. Any girl was give them self to him at the point of time.

At the same time, Seth was shocked to see Shiela. She has always dressed very trendy and has a style on her own but he has never seen her put on something eye catching. He was already stunned and lost for words.

"Uh, Seth, what are you doing here?" asked Shiela. As she said that, Belle messaged Shiela to have a time of her life.

Seth took a deep breath and walked towards Shiela and led her into the room. They both walked towards the window overlooking the scenery.

"This is for you. And you look amazing", stuttered Seth.

"Thank you. You look great yourself too", Shiela said quietly. Deep down, her heart was beating so fast she felt like she was going to have a heart attack anytime.

Clearing his throat, Seth knew it was now or never.

"Shiela, Babe.. I know I am not perfect. I'm slacking in many areas and you. You are so successful and beautiful. I've loved you since I first saw you. I've loved you for many years and I will love you for many more years to come. I've always been afraid that if I took this step, I would lose our friendship. But at the same time, I've also realised that if I didn't take this step, I would lose you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you but if you are okay with that, let's take baby steps together and walk together towards that moment."

Tears were already flowing down from Sheila's eyes. She never imagined that this day will come. Immediately she pounced on Seth and kissed him.

Seth was shocked but took it in immediately. The night went on with them kissing and grasping each other's hands while cherishing the moment. Love was born again.