
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs


Kept in the prison, Alex was denied bail as he was currently charged with aggravated assault. Jay's lawyers were trying to tie him to manslaughter and did the best they can to keep him in.

Feeling full of regrets, Alex pondered what went wrong. He knew Belle was the love of his life when he first met her. She was always pampering him, showing him love and even comforting him when he was done. She was not only beautiful but she was perfect. The ideal girlfriend that any men wanted. So what went wrong.

His LUST to try other things. She couldn't give him what he needed. No he didn't do anything wrong. He wasn't wrong for chasing after his fantasy. He was wrong only to bring Kelly home. One thing led to another and another. He couldn't help himself. If only Belle and Kelly was one, wouldn't it be great.

But now, Alex was sitting in a prison waiting for doomsday. He hurt Belle. It wasn't intentional. All he wanted was to apologise and lead on life peacefully with Belle as his bride.

How is she?

Has she recovered?

Why was Jay Joseph Pierre with her?

No, she doesn't belong with anyone except him.

I have to get her back.

But first I need to get out of this dreaded place. Alex began cooking up his plan. He would befriend some prison mates, offer them a large sum of money to help him escape. Then he would act crazy and be deemed mentally unstable while he tries to commit suicide. While transferring him to the mental institute, the van will be hijacked and he will finally escape.

Laughing to himself, he would be out of prison within 2 weeks.

Belle, wait for me. I'm coming to you.