
What is love to me?

Love is just a feeling for somebody. Love is work for somebody. Love is refreshment for somebody. But love can be the reason for someone's death wish. Yes I am Reme,and I wish death for myself because everyone loves me so much that I can't handle. I am from a middle-class family who live their livelihood just okay. I go to school, sorry I am now in college. I don't know if I am a introvert. I guess I Ambivert because I am mixture of introvert and Ambivert. People say actually the scientists say that ambivert's life is quite hard. Because they swing between their quite behavior and jolly behavior, yes with some certain peoples. Yes I have some people too who are highly precious to me. You know? Sometimes I feel like I am trapped, don't know where and how but I am trapped. I guess some of you feel the same. Then when you think about your life then you feel depressed why are you like this. Because at the same time you feel happy, so excited for may be a silly reason that's not even a good idea to be happy. Yes that's what is called mood swings.https://inkstone.webnovel.com Create on the PC.