
Love Is Hard For An Introvert

She is that masked maid he keeps seeing at the cafe whenever he needs someone to talk to, and he is that anonymous online friend of hers that constantly makes her smile whenever she's feeling down. But what happens when these two keep crossing paths with one another at school without knowing about each other's secrets that lie beneath their sleeves? Join Hayashi Sakura and Mori Ken in this romance-comedy novel that will make you realize that love may be as hard as others were saying for introverts like them. ---- Message me at my discord account for any inquiries: AteJanz#0657 Book cover by: Chainslock

AteJanz · Teen
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252 Chs

Where's Patty-san?

While everyone was already enjoying their omelet rice, Tanaka Ryo still hadn't started eating and was caught up staring at his ketchup art in awe. Yuna caught a glimpse of her fiance's 'stupid' face and therefore shifted her glance from her omelet rice to this guy seated next to her.

"Are you seriously just going to stare at your omelet rice like an idiot?" Yuna raised one eyebrow at him. 

Ryo takes no heed at what this girl is currently saying and continues staring at the ketchup art in awe. 

"Your chibi face in this art is so cute that I don't want to eat it, hence it will be labeled as cannibalism," Ryo happily says, which irritated Yuna a bit more.

In her annoyance, the girl furiously lifts her fist and gives Ryo a good whack in his head to keep him back on his right mind. 

"Cannibalism, my foot." Yuna snickers. "Just eat it so that we can get out of this cringe place as soon as possible!"