

Adam was very exhausted from the glory his neighbours was giving to him, becouse he saved Adam's mother from dying, when his little sister Abigail came into his room screaming:

-John, mom said that being hero doesn't mean that you need to leave your housework away from you!

-Tell mom that I need to get some rest from everything... Oh and don't forget to mention how much you're annoying.

She ran from John's room crying and complaining to her mom what John said to her.

Mom came into his room with smirking Abigail behind her

-John, if you don't stop hurting your sister I won't let you to meet your friends.

She said in tired and anoyed tone.

-What did I do wrong?- John asked not understanding what he did to his sister, until he saw her smirking face and understood what she said to mom.

-Mom I swear I didn't do anything to Abigail! She tricked you into her game!

-Then explain this,- My mom showed a scarf Abigail did yesterday when climbed into a tree, but didn't want to tell mom until a good moment showed, becouse she was afraid to get punished not listening her and climbing into a tree. Adam knew that if He tell mom what she did, Abigail will boil true hell to him, so he didn't told mom she climbed into a tree.

John and Adam were walking to a lake, when John stoped and asked Adam:

-Why don't you ran away from your family if your mom punish you for things you don't do?

-Becouse if I ran away, were do I live? Btw my mom give me food and I don't know how to do anything exept for sucking at things.

-But you saved my mom and you are always exepted in our home...

Finaly they walked to the lake, wich wasn't very big and started to swim around in it. 'He is georgeous with his hair wet and... Wait am I thinking about him? Again? I should Think that way about girls' John steped out of the water and started puting clothes on him while Adam was still swimming in the lake with his eyes closed. When he opend his eyes and saw John waiting him in the shore he ran out of the water and dressed himself too with clothes his mom sew for him. Two boys then started walking home in silence.

When road turned in diferent directions Adam mumbled 'Good bye' and John said that too.