
love is destiny

mslora224 · Celebrities
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9 Chs

the interviewer is a scum

I was walking my way that I saw a grandma crossing the road and She was about to faint so I immediately went to help her. I did not even think about my interview . I helped her to cross the road and give her some water . when she was feeling better I saw the Time and l only have 15 minutes left So i left early there . fortunately I reached my destination. there are many job aspirants, who are came for the interview . I am wetting for my turn , After some time I saw a girl came out and she was crying, so someone asked her "why are you crying.but she couldn't say a single word And left with tears in her eyes . I heard someone is talking about him that he is like a jerk

now its my turn and I went to give my interview .but it's beyond my imagination . i thought that interviewer will look like a gentleman but he is just like a pig . As soon as he saw me He asked me to sit down. I sat down, I got my documentary out of my bag and put it on the table of Interviewer. he ask me some questions.i was sincerely answering him . after some time He started walking around me .he put his hand on my solder . I feel like something is going to be wrong , Now he started touching me here and there And started saying that you come to the right place , I can give you what you want ,if you...I stand up with a pece of anger and I give him a slap on his face .at first he shouted on me but he make himself calm than he smiled and said you are a beautiful girl , I can give you a last chance ,if you will listen to me , You must work with your mind,you should use your beauty in the right place what about it .I said , you are really not ashamed talking to me like that ....Suddenly his phone rang , that was his wife's call . He picked up the call And started talking to his wife . now I think I have to teach him a lesson . than pretend as his girlfriend over the phone call of wife .. wow baby , you are amazing, this necklace is really beautiful .thank you,thank you,so much baby your so sweet 😘 his wife heard everything ,He began to disconnect the call in a hurry , but He couldn't do it .his expresion like his going to die . Then i was very relaxed i thought it will be great, if his wife know that her husband is a jerk hm I left from there .