
love is destiny

mslora224 · Celebrities
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9 Chs

first meeting with him

shikha - hey, but how do you know that I am talking about him, you also have a crush on him right? it's right,he is a crush of many girls.

kaira - hey I don't have a crush on him . I took his name, because you always talk about him , when his new album released.

ok listen tell me about the schedule of next round.

shikha - next round will be on Monday, (Screaming) it's mean the day after tomorrow

kaira - ok

riya - kaira, you have only one day to prepare for the next round.

kaira takes a long breath yes we have only one day left . let's have dinner first I have to sleep early

kaira could't sleep she is thinking about the compitition. Kaira fell asleep while thinking.

next day kaira started preparing her design from the morning and late at night, . she is giveing her best.

she is ready and her design is also ready

Riya leaves Kaira to the compitition venue on her bike .

riya said -all the best kaire , you can do it

kaira - yes thank you

kaira weant to the venue.

advik is one of the guest but he doesn't want to go . than advik saw kaira and think about to use her as a backup plan for avoid to go there. advik intentionally bumped into kaira and fell down ,he pretend to be hurt.

kaira doesn't know what happened at this moment because ,she is very nervous so she think advik is hurt because of her.

kaira - sorry,sorry I am really sorry . are you okay?

kaira help him to get up but he pretend that he can't stand up .

His manager started to scolding kaira

manager- hey can't you see anything . are you blind. see what you did to him . do you know who is he , if anything happened to him ,what are you going to do .

kaira - I am sorry, I am really sorry, I will take responsibility for this

manager- (shouting on her) responsibility! how are you going to take responsibility for this .

advik - will you Stop please, can you take me to the hospital

kaira - ok ,ok I will take you to the hospital

she hesitated for a while but she have to take responsibility for this. when she did nothing.

they arrived at hospital after that doctor check on him and said - it's not serious.

advik - doctor my leg is hurting , how can you say it's not serious.

advik winked at his manager.

his manager said.- yes- yes his leg is really hurt

doctor - ok I will prescribe some medicines for you

take these on Time.