
5,What’s wrong with me

I ignored but he was keep texting so i finally replied "'em busy see you later"😓so stop that doing fishy text.ahh thank god he left..after that he didn't left any single text for few days.i should be happy..but i was not some how part of me was missing him.yeah that sucks😂first I didn't like him at all n now i m missing him..ohh wait not miss its just that bothering me that why he is not texting.how can he left without saying anything.at least give damn reason.ohh look at me what the hell am I thinking.?why?i am definitely going mad.kinjal is right about me.sometimes i overthink.take everything very personal.and roast mind without a problem.but now need answers.it is because he is understood am not interested.he is not fool after all.

this boys today just want to flirt,friendship,hangout,date,relationship,sex,break up,repeat 😞he is definitely trying out for other girls