
36,a kid about to enjoy ice cream

I was with mayank he was helping me to make cookies 🍪 i was sitting on kitchen platform mayank was making actually i was just watching him.how he play with flour water that chocolate chips so lucky those things they are touched by him.mayank was close to me but still he is far from me.i told him something is on his face he touched his cheek and he forgot his hand his full of flour and that is on now his face.i laugh 😂 i was enjoying his struggle to clean that mess on his face suddenly he grabbed me and touched my cheek on his cheek and now flour is on my face too.i stared him and then smiled he too.he was about to hug me and suddenly phone rang

It was from harshil he is coming at night mayank immediately left my place.because he don't wanted to be any trouble maker in my life in fact anybody's life.i was not happy at all this is first time i was not happy.i beg harshil to come to my city but this time I don't wanted him at all.so strange feelings.i had no idea what is happening to me.

Harshil always come with surprises this time he said something is really special for me i was wondering what it could be in to that box.we enjoyed our candle light dinner at home.then we watched tv for some time.i asked him so many time to get that surprise but he said he will give me when right time comes.at 12 o clock ⏰ he gave me that box i open and my eyes just popped out.it was transparent night suit ☺️.i blushed he told me he wanted to see me in to that i was not comfortable at all.but i went to change when i came out.he was looking at me like a small kid looking at ice cream in his hand with full intentions of eating that.i know what's gonna happen now.he is in romantic mood.he came near me stared me and then he kissed me taking off my night suit.he is kissing ly whole body now.suddenly i told him to ✋ stop.i can't do this.yes i wasn't ready for that something was killing me inside shouting to stop him.thigs are going wrong.so wrong.i wasn't feeling his touch good.i know in every relationship this is necessary.it makes their bond stronger.but I don't know I could not do that.he is expecting this it's normal but that was not for me.i know i was disappointing him.but understood he immediately hug me and told me "it doesn't matter .no hurry .take your time sweetheart,"i can understand its not that easy for you,we can enjoy this when you are completely comfortable."ohh dear harshil how sweet of you" i told him.and then we slept.next morning we decided to go for movie but he had to leave for an emergency meeting.