
Chapter Ten

Athena's POV

''Mom, why didn't you tell dad?'' I say as I slowly turn to look at Alex who is standing awkwardly. He avoids my dad's eye contact as much as he can but dad keeps on staring at him which doesn't help at all right now. Wait, he doesn't notice who he is? I mean, for someone who watches football a lot should have notice.

''Well, I forgot.'' She shrugs, as if it was not a big deal.

''How can you forget? You found out yesterday and you never forget about things like this.'' I sigh deeply. Suddenly, I feel someone holding me by the waist and when I turn around, I see Alex holding my waist. He seems scared to even hold me but he looks down at me, raising an eyebrow and giving me the what-the-fuck-is-going-on-right-now look.

''I'm sorry Athena.'' My mother chuckles, she turns to my father, ''James, don't glare at the boy, you're scaring him.''

I look up at my dad who glares at Alex endlessly. From here, I can see how Alex tries his best to look anywhere but at my dad. God, I pity him. I chuckle mentally but I walk toward dad, ''Dad.'' I mutter nicely and he looks down at me with a sigh.

''What do you mean fiancè, Athena?''

''It means that he proposed?'' I end up questioning him back. He gives me the are-you-serious look before narrowing his eyes at me. I smile a bit before pulling him into a bear hug, ''Dad, please let me introduce both of you first.''

''James.'' My mom warns as my dad tries to shake his head in denial.

''Alright.'' He finally gives in and I let go of him.

I walk back to Alex. He just stands there like a lifeless person as he stare down at the ground. Oh boy, never would I thought that he would freak out meeting my dad? I elbow him lightly and he looks up, making eye contact with my dad. He clears his throat, ''S—sir, I'm Alexander Hererra.'' He looks down at me, ''I'm your daughter's fiancè.''

I smirk unknowingly, did he just stutter?

''Alexander Hererra?'' Dad raises an eyebrow at Alex and he nods quickly, ''I think I've heard that name before... but I can't remember where or when.'' And dad looks at mom, ''Alessa, do I know him?''

Mom looks at me, ''Ask your daughter, not me.'' And she walks away toward the living room, leaving the three of us.

Great, mom.

''Do I know him, Athena?'' Now, he asks me and I just shake my head.

''It depends.'' I reply.

''What do you mean, it depends?'' He raises an eyebrow at me and at Alex who is now clenching his jaw.

''If you think that you know him, then yeah?'' I give him a fake smile, ''Well dad, it was nice introducing Alex but it's time to get out of the way, right Alex?'' I narrow my eyes at Alex and give him a fake smile as well. He looks at me before nodding, his face is making me want to laugh.

''But, I'm not done yet, Athena.'' Dad touches my arm, holding me back.

''Dad, you have time to ask during dinner.'' And I grab Alex's hand as we walk out of the kitchen. I see my mom going through the drawers, searching for her scent candle but as we pass her. Alex is just walking with him and he stays quiet all the way.

We walk up the stairs and I just glance at my room but going to a different direction. There's my bedroom, my parent's bedroom and a guest room on the top floor. There's also a guest room downstairs but might as well just take him upstairs.

I open the door and I push Alex in before closing the door.

''Okay so let's just leave him thinking that he knows you.'' I say as soon as we both enter the room. Alex is now yawning again as he walk toward the bed and sit down. He moves his neck sideways and his hands behind him, supporting his body. He looks at me sleepily but if you don't know that he's sleepy, it might seems like he's looking at you seductively.

''Why?'' He replies before taking a pillow from behind him. He puts the pillow beside him and he immediately lay his back on the bed, his head resting on the pillow.

I haven't realise that he's really tall and his figure is quite big. Not until I see him laying on the bed. His leg is long enough as he just carelessly leave his body like that. I watch as he put the back of his hand on his forehead, closing his eyes. Is he still sleepy? I mean, he had his nap.

''Well, I just want him to figure it out by himself.'' I mutter as I sit down on the armchair near the window, I can now see Alex from the side but he just keeps his eyes closed.

My eyes move down to his body, seeing that his shirt is lifting up a bit, revealing his waist a little and his stomach. I can see a six pack and his V line. I gulp unknowingly, damn.

''See what you like?'' His voice makes me look away immediately in surprise. Our eyes meet and I see him smirking at me. I feel my cheeks heat up but I just cover it with a cough, ''Might as well join me here.'' He mutter before turning to his side and his back facing me.

''Like hell I will.'' I snort at him as I lean against the chair.

I hear him chuckle but he went quiet afterwards. When I see him breathing steadily, I just thought that he's already asleep. He doesn't even move or anything and he just faces the other side. After ten minutes of watching him, I am sure he has fallen asleep because his phone beep twice and he didn't even bother checking.

How did I even end up with him? I mean, how can one stupid kiss leads me here? A part of me regret that night but the other one doesn't. It's like somehow everything is meant to be. If I don't meet him, there won't be any thrill in my life. Just a boring, regular life.

I close my eyes, trying to fall asleep as I don't even know what else I'm supposed to do.

It felt like hours and when I open my eyes, I see a familiar face in front of me, just inches away from my face. My eyes widen to find Alex really close to me. I look down to find his arm around my waist, securing me close.

My breathing somehow became heavy. How did I end up here? I need to pay more attention while I sleep so I don't end up sleep walking. Did he pick me up? How is that even possible because he fell asleep before me. I look down to his pink tempting lips before looking up at his closed eyes. He looks really calm.

His chest moves up and down slowly.

And every good moment just has to end. I know it was coming so I close my eyes and try to hold the sneeze back but I end up sneezing anyway. Lucky for me, it wasn't that loud but if someone is sleeping in front of you and you end up sneezing, it's loud enough for that someone to wake up.

I'm scared to open my eyes and slowly, I let light pass through.

Alex is looking back at me with droopy eyes. He just stares back at me and does nothing else. This is awkward, I thought to myself. What should I do? I press my lips into a thin line, trying to hold back my embarrassment but I only end up making my cheeks red from blushing.

''You sneeze like a man.'' He grumbles before turning to the other side, letting go of my waist.

My eyes widen and I can just chock him to death right now but I breathe in, trying to calm myself. I sit up straight, hopping off the bed. I take my phone and see that it's already 6pm. I think dinner's ready? I smile to myself knowing that I could eat as much as I want.

I turn around to find that Alex is still sleeping. He sleeps easily? His face is now facing me so I can clearly see him. He has a frown on his face right now. Did my sneeze bothered him? I let it slip as I enter the bathroom.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I can see how light my eyes is right now because of the light. I brush my hair before walking out of the bathroom. I see that Alex is still in the same position. Right after I close the bathroom's door, my mom walks in, opening the room's door.

''Dinner's ready.'' She says before looking at me and Alex, ''Oh how long has he been sleeping?''

''A couple of hours.'' I reply and she nods.

''Just wake him up and go downstairs, okay?'' And she walks out of the room, closing the door on the way.

I sigh. What if he throws a tantrum when I wake him up? He can be a bipolar sometimes. He might end up happy or mad or sad. I don't even understand him and I don't even think I want to understand him. He's so complicated sometimes. Says me who only known for almost two weeks. I roll my eyes mentally.

I walk toward him, touching his arm but he doesn't budge.

''Alex.'' I say, pushing him slightly.

His eyes are still closed but I hear him groan lightly, a frown appearing again.

''Wake up, dinner's ready.'' I say, louder this time and I push him once more.

Alex sighs this time as he lays on his back and face his head the other side. I roll my eyes at him before pushing him harder, ''Alex! Wake up.'' But since he's heavy enough because of his muscles, I end up tripping a little.

I stand up straight but both of his hands run up to my waist, pulling me toward him. I yelp as I fall down on top of him. This position reminds me of the position we were in yesterday. I groan at him, trying to stand up but he only tighten his grip on my waist, ''Damn it, Alex, wake up!'' I shout at his face and he just open his eyes, ''You sleep like a freaking corpse, wake up.''

He let go of my waist but to push my face away from him. I groan as I try to pull him up, and I manage! I breathe out in relief when he is sitting up straight beside me, ''Now get your lazy ass up and go downstairs.'' I smirk at him.

Alex sighs as he stand up and walk toward the door. I follow behind him until we reach the dining room. I see that mom is serving lasagna. Dad is looking at Alex and when I turn around to look at Alex, he is clearing his throat, looking back at me.

I pull a seat and pat the seat beside me, gesturing him to sit there.

He does as told and he looks up at my mom who just sat down after him, ''I'm sorry I got lost track of time.'' He says and I can hear his sexy voice again. Damn, looks like I'm thirsty! If you know what I mean.

''It's okay, you had—''

I cut mom off, ''Oh, lasagna! Mom, I'm hungry.'' I say loud enough for her to stop talking and she just chuckle before giving me a scoop of lasagna. I look at dad who is looking at Alex, ''Dad, stop staring, it's rude.''

''Huh?'' He looks at me, ''I was just looking, Athena.'' And he takes a spoonful of lasagna into his mouth.

''Yeah right.'' I snort.

''So what do you do for a living?'' My dad suddenly ask and this time, I know I can't change the subject anymore so I just look down at my meal and eat quietly. Let Alex handle it alone, I don't want to be bothered.

Alex clears his throat, ''I'm—'' His leg touches mine for a slight second before he continue, ''I'm a footballer.'' I look up dad who ends up chocking a bit. He takes a sip of his water and I lean back on my seat, trying to watch both of their reactions.

''A footballer?'' Dad raises an eyebrow at him.


Dad cut him off, ''Wait, are you 'the Alexander Herrera'?'' He asks, this time he seems like he's determined and I wanted to laugh but I just look at mom. She smiles unknowingly at both of them.

''Um, yes sir.'' Alex nods lightly.

''I knew it, Alessa.'' Dad turns to mom, ''You could have told me.''

''Well you never asked.'' I reply for mom and she just laugh at dad.

Alex seems to be less tense and he let out a light chuckle, ''Do you watch my tournaments, sir?''

''Oh just call me James and yes, sometimes. You're a really good player.'' Oh so now Alex can call him James? I snort but they both didn't hear me. They continue on with their conversation about football and about other teams. I can hear Alex laughing from time to time with dad.

After dinner, they are still talking and it looks like they have known each other for years.

I turn to face mom, we are both in the kitchen and the two men are in the living room.

''Now they're chilling together.'' I joke and mom laughs.

''He has been saying that he knows him for the past hour when you both were upstairs. I said I don't know, and now he's going to be like 'I told you so.'' My mom mimic dad's voice and I just laugh. It's true, sometimes when dad is right and me and mom are wrong, he would say 'I told you so' all the time.

I walk toward the living room with mom and I can see Alex laughing at something dad said. He looks up at me and pat a spot beside him. I raise an eyebrow at him, knowing that dad is watching but dad just turns to mom and talk about something.

''What did you two talk about?'' I ask quietly at Alex.

He leans in, ''Just stuff.''

''What stuff?'' I furrow my eyebrows.

''Stuff, stuff.'' And he turns to face my dad again. They both go on and on that I don't even bother listening anymore. I end up watching TV and I can completely silent their voices and hear the TV. Mom does the same, we both are watching as the men talk about 'stuff'.

An hour passed and now me and Alex are standing at the door with mom and dad. Dad wraps his arm around mom's shoulder as they both look at us. Oh yeah, we are standing quite far from each other, ''It was nice knowing you, Alex.'' Dad says.

''Nice knowing you too, James.'' I hear Alex reply.

''Right, we should get going.'' I clear my throat and Alex nod beside me.

''Come and visit us when you have time.'' Mom says and I walk toward her for a hug. She hugs me back twice as tight and I just fist pump my dad. Mom chuckles at our habit as I walk toward Alex's car.

Well, I think it might sound stupid but dad could have figure it out. Alex is driving his Lamborghini and it's obvious he's either a businessman, a footballer or a Mafia boss.

The ride to my house was silent, not until I decided to break the silent.

''You never really tell me about your parents.'' I say as I look left, seeing Alex focusing on the road.

''What?'' He raises an eyebrow at me—he looks a bit confused may I add.

I bite my lower lip for awhile, ''You never me about your family.''

''Oh.'' He replies and everything went silent again.

For about five minutes? I was waiting for a respond but he didn't reply back. I just assume he doesn't want to talk about it.

''I mean if you don't want to talk about it, it's fine.'' I shrug, even though he couldn't see me because he's focusing on the road.

''I want to talk about it.''

''I'm not forcing—''

He cuts me off, ''Sooner or later, you might have found out either way so it's better if I tell you.''

I nod before looking down and he continues, ''My parents are divorced when I was eight. I never really see my dad much. Last time I saw him was when I was fifteen. He wanted me to meet his new wife because he got remarried. I didn't feel anything but hatred. I have been living with my mom ever since the divorce.''

He goes on, ''I never really wanted to see my dad again. It would be a waste of time. They got a divorce because he said he doesn't love my mom anymore. He said he fell out of love, it just doesn't feel the same.'' I see him clenching his jaw and his grip on the steering wheel tighten.

How can someone even fall out of love? How can someone even stop loving? It sounds stupid and it doesn't make any sense. How stupid can he be?

''Oh, she's in Spain now?'' I decided to avoid asking more about his father.

He seems like he's not interested to talk about him anyway.

''She died.''

My heart almost stop beating but I keep calm and just breathe out, ''I'm sorry...''

''It was a car crash.'' He continues, ''It was last year.''

''How come the media doesn't know about it?''

''I kept it a secret.'' I hear him sigh this time, ''It's none of their business anyway.'' He responded a bit late.

''Are you okay?'' My voice cracking at the end, ''I mean, are you okay telling me all of this?''

Without me knowing, we have already arrived in front of my apartment. Alex turns to look at me but he didn't say a word. I turn around to see that the sidewalk is clear, only a few people walking.

I grab my bag. Alex doesn't want to continue the conversation so I'm just going to leave it there. There's no use in forcing him anyway. It's none of my business.

''See you at the wedding.'' I mutter and I know he hears it clearly even though my voice was a bit low.

''Goodnight.'' He replies and I open the door before stepping out his car. I turn around to look at him but due to the darkness of the car's windows, I can't really see a thing. I sigh as I step inside my apartment, locking the door afterwards.

Never would I expect a story like this from him.