
love internship story of jazzelle

I bumped into a guy in amusement park and scolded him for being rude to his employee. I yelled at him saying I'll never work under a boss like you. on my first day of my internship ...... he is standing right before me as my boss. this boss of mine mr. Ryan Alves is cold and bossy he even made me agree on fake engagement with him. well it was because I wanted to buy time for my career and illness. I have a trauma and I'm phobic of intimacy. I lost my memories after being harrassed. although I didn't lose my virginity but a fear took place in my subconscious mind. the sense of insecurity triggers my trauma. I have fallen for my boss already but I know he ha someone else in his heart. I was suffering already and faced my biggest fear, that beast who tried to ruin me, is standing before me

the_flower_ARMY · Urban
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21 Chs

chapter 4

" Your resignation letter." Says Ryan and looked at jazzelle with a grin.

" what!!! I.. !!!!? I don't get you." Jazzelle's voice is trembling. She is trying to act clueless.

"I'll definitely not have an employer like you, right?. So I think you are gonna resign now." Says Ryan.

"Do you still remember me? Can we just let bygones be bygones and can pretend not to know each other?" Jazzelle is smiling awkwardly and scratching her eyebrows

"We actually don't know each other so no need to pretend." Says Ryan with no single expression.

" Ummmm okay. But I am not going to resign. See, this job is important to me. And I've got this job because I am worth it. I've gone through the interview procedure." Says jazzelle confidently.

" Whatever. But listen, stay away from me. Don't ever bump into me. Go now!" Says Ryan in a bossy tone

Jazzelle just glares at him for some seconds and leaves the office room

Author's POV end

Jazzelle's POV

What does he think of himself? I don't have any interest in him. Does he think I am going after him?

My foot.

I hope I won't meet again this three piece suit dracula.

We will surely meet again because he is my superior but I will focus on work and try to avoid him.

I bended my neck down and sighed.

Next morning

I slept very well. I am in the taxi heading to the office.

I feel so good because it has been a week since I started working in that TPS ( three piece suite) Dracula's department, but I haven't encountered that often.

(Actually whenever I see him he starts to yell at me and always insults me. )

Throughout my life, my family, friends, school and even in college, no-one has ever treated me like this.

They all are nice to me. Here is also good. That TPS dracula is rude, arrogant, cold and always insulting me but I think he is a nice person deep inside.

Normally, I only see him from afar. He looks like a hot business elite. His sharp eyes, serious expression, and beard look is killing.

Tires Squeal . The Taxi Driver Slammed The Brakes!

..... Aaahhh....ouch.🤕🤕

I tell the driver, "Don't you know how to brake the car? I almost broke my forehead! "I am Sorry mam. Are you okay? The driver's voice is trembling.

( Whenever I think about TPS something bad happens to me. He is a jinx)

"Oh no no. Even, I'm sorry. I should be careful." I said politely.

( I get out of the car)

"Thank you for driving me here safely. Here's the fare. And keep the change."

"Thank you ma'am," the driver said politely.

(Today the main gate of this office looks like a cemetery entrance.

I don't wish to meet Dracula today as well.)

I gather myself and think, "Wait, I am not afraid of him. fighting! 😤"

My colleagues are here and I greet them. "good morning everyone."

"Good morning Jazzelle." They reply.

I have much work to do today. Those dramas on TV are not truthful.


They never said that in the office we need to do this much work. I was so influenced by those drama shows and I thought working in an office would be so fun but it is actually very hard, but it's OK.

Now that I've decided to work I will do my best.

I get started.......

Hours later...

Ah, finally, I'm finished with my work and this is almost six ..Half past six. It's time to get off work. My desk is so messy, let's clean it up first!

It's done. Let's go!

Groan. A manager.

"Wait, Jazzelle! First, pass this document to the department head and then you can get off work." It's my manager, why is she sending me there?

What did I do now?

I try to get out of it.

"Ma'am, can you please do it yourself?  it's already time, and I have to go. It's late, my....."

And I didn't even finish my words.

I am trying to avoid seeing him.

And she did not take it well. The angry yelling began.

"What!! Who do you think you are? You are ordering me? You are an intern and I am your senior here and now you are refusing me? What do you mean by getting off work? I'm just asking you to pass this document, not to rewrite it. It won't take much time. Just do it or you can get out and there is no need to come tomorrow."

I am so scared inside about Dracula. "No I don't, I don't mean it".

My manager is inquisitive and stern. "Then, what did you mean? Are you going to do it or not?"

Outwardly, I put my best business smile on.🤗🤗 "Now that you are asking it so politely how can I refuse your request?" (Inwardly😒😒)

The manager isn't having it. "You'd better."

In my cheerful voice, I say, "Sure!"☺️☺️

(Now, I am stressing.😓😓)

(The Dracula department head is really a jinx. I got scolded by my manager just because of him. Well! I don't think I have any choice but to go!)