
love internship story of jazzelle

I bumped into a guy in amusement park and scolded him for being rude to his employee. I yelled at him saying I'll never work under a boss like you. on my first day of my internship ...... he is standing right before me as my boss. this boss of mine mr. Ryan Alves is cold and bossy he even made me agree on fake engagement with him. well it was because I wanted to buy time for my career and illness. I have a trauma and I'm phobic of intimacy. I lost my memories after being harrassed. although I didn't lose my virginity but a fear took place in my subconscious mind. the sense of insecurity triggers my trauma. I have fallen for my boss already but I know he ha someone else in his heart. I was suffering already and faced my biggest fear, that beast who tried to ruin me, is standing before me

the_flower_ARMY · Urban
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21 Chs

chapter 17

" You belong to me now." What does that mean. I am thinking it in my mind.

" Ummm!!" I was going to say something but he said,

" eat it while it's warm. Don't talk."

I nodded my head. And started eating.

We finished eating. I said, " the food here is really delicious."

" then you can order take-out from here. Don't forget what I said before."

His words are echoing in my mind, " you belong to me." How am I supposed to forget something like this.

I feel like he confessed to me just now. But I know it's not like this. Even if it's a dream or my hallucination, I don't want to wake up and come to my concious. I will never forget this dinner.

We finished eating. This dinner was the second best dinner of my life. Because the first one is when I was at his home and tasted his mom's cooking.

" let's go." He stood up.

" wait, we haven't eaten dessert yet." I said.

" I don't like cakes, let's go.." He didn't let me say anything and walked fast. I don't understand why is mad at me.

He is paying bill.

" wait for me." I ran and finally caught up with him. I tried to give my card but he didn't let me. He seem to be angry.

" why are you mad. Plus you don't need to pay for me I can pay for myself."

" would you have paid if you have come with Daniel. Would you have paid for that cake as well." Is he angry because of a cake.

"Cake!!! the d@mn cake again! I like sweets I wanted to order something else. Even if you don't like sweets, are you mad at me because I like cakes. I always pay for myself. I don't let Daniel or anyone else pay for me. "

I am talking to him in a very informal way, like I talk with my friends.

" I am not Daniel or someone else to you." He paid the bill.

" Come with me." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me.

He took me at ice cream parlour.

" one chocolate ice-cream." He ordered.

He gave me the cone.

" won't you eat." I asked.

" I told you, I don't like sweets."

" how can someone not like sweets. You will feel happy after taking a bite of sweets and chocolates. try it. »

I am taking a bite of ice cream and superior hold my wrist and took a bite of ice cream. We both took the bite at the same time.

It was looking like we are shooting a drama. « I've seen the same in a drama, which drama was it? » I am thinking

I don't understand whether I am blushing or feeling embarrassed.

" I think you are right, sweets really makes a person happy and relaxed."

I wonder how can you feel relaxed after making my heart burst.

I turned my head and kept eating. And he is smiling or maybe laughing because I he knows I am feeling embarrassed.

" Why are you blushing." He came close to me. He is so close.

I am blinking my eyes. I put hand on my cheeks and said, " I am not blushing. This is just, ice cream is very chilled."

What am I saying? It's obvious that Ice cream is chilled. I am embarrassing on my words.

He laughed. It's my first time watching him laughing. I also laughed. And I kept eating. We are sharing the one ice cream. It feels like we are couple.

After eating the ice cream we are going to home. He is dropping me off by his car.

It's very quiet. I don't like it. So I want to start a conversation.

" ummm" but before I say something superior said,

" you said, you and Daniel are family friends what does that mean?"

" we used to be neighbours. But then they moved here." I replied

" So you've known each other for that long." He is concentrated on driving and said.

" yeah! We grew up together. It's not very long since they moved. He was my senior in school. And we used to be together all the time. He me and…" I was going to say something but he said,

" I am not interested about you two. Don't bring up this again." He is weird.

he increased the speed. And he is driving rashly.

" did I offend you somehow? Why are you mad at me and daniel?" this speed is making me dizzy

" who?? Me?? I am not mad " He turned the car in speed. I almost hit my head.

" aren't we just talking about our colleague. Daniel is….. " I was going to say something and he suddenly stopped the car.

he slammed on the staring wheels and turned to me. ohy his glare is deadly. I gulped.

" I told you to not talk to him or talk about him. I don't allow you to think about anyone else except me. I told you, you belong to me now." And he started the car again.

I almost stopped breathing. It looks like the same as fang leng confesses to xiaoqi in the car.

What the hell I am thinking about. At this time I am thinking about dramas. I am really going crazy.

But wait , What does that mean. Is he jealous or something. No, no it's impossible. Why would he?

" we are here." Superior said but I didn't pay attention because I am shocked

" huh??" I reacted

" We are at your place." He said.

" Uhhh!!" I just reacted and opened the door.

He grabbed my wrist. I turned to him.

He said, " jazzelle."

"hmmm" I'm totally blank. "What is he going to say?"

" are you done with those four files?

"WHAT!!!!" I somewhat shockingly asked

He grabbed my hand and created such an atmosphere to ask me this. Unbelievable. This guy is really beyond my understanding.

I am looking at him with wide eyes. I feel like my eyes are going to fell on the ground. I came in my conscious and said,

" Aahhh!!! Yeah. I'm almost done. I you will get those files tomorrow."

" Go and get some sleep. We have much work to do tomorrow."

Workaholic department head is back.

" Ummm. I'll try my best." I feel so good that I smiled and said, " good night superior."

After saying goodbye to the superior, I am going upstairs.