
Love Insecurity

Nancy never believe in true love and never believe that love can last “till death tear us apart”. She always believes that one someone found another interesting person, they will just simply let go and move on. She is also a weak girl that tends to pretend to be strong and positive But what happens when someone finally show her that true love exists. Is he able to give her the amount of security she needs? Or will that just drain him up in a long run?

LovelyNancy · Urban
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58 Chs

Chpt #47

The next day, Nancy reported sick.

Nancy totally had no mood to work and she did not want to get her personal feelings involved in work.

Nancy leave a message in the group chat

"Team, i will drop by later tonight to check on everything. Please be very careful and check all technical issues"

Fanny replied to Nancy personally instead of in the group chat

"Nancy, have a good rest. I'll be here to oversee the whole situation. See you tomorrow!"

Nancy totally forgot about her existence and she replied…"Thank you" and went back to sleep and she switches off her phone.

Ryan will be discharged today and yet Nancy didn't visit him.

"Why is it you? Where's Nancy?" Desmond came instead of Nancy.

"Oh she reported sick today. Most probably resting at home." Desmond calmly replied.

Ryan pushes Desmond away and ran out from the hospital and took the taxi to Nancy house.

Ryan keeps calling Nancy but she didn't pick up.

Ryan finally reaches her house and he keeps pressing the doorbell. Ryan didn't knock the door as Nancy have a trauma of hearing door knocks and slamming. Previously when her parents argued, her dad will continuously knock and try to break the door open.

Nancy then walks to the door and look through the peephole and saw that it is Ryan.

Nancy slides a piece of paper from the door.

"Stop pressing the doorbell. I'm fine, i just need a rest and i will be back to work tomorrow. I'm not irresponsible and I will definitely see the wedding tomorrow :)"

"Alrights, have a good rest and call me when you wake up okay" Ryan replied verbally and left.

Nancy sat by the door and thinking how should she manage her feelings tomorrow.

Wedding event day.

"Thank god my eyes are no longer puffy" Nancy puts on makeup and gets ready to work.

Up till now she has not contacted Ryan.

Nancy went straight to the hall to greet the client and to wish them congratulations.

"Nancy! How are you? Are you feeling better now?" Fanny put her hand on her forehead and Nancy slowly took Fanny's hand away from her.

"Yes yes I'm better now" Nancy smiles.

Its finally the wedding ceremony where the bride enters.

Nancy was standing at the corner of the room looking at how blissful they are and hoping that she will be happier too.

"If you don't mind, you can marry me?" Ryan came from nowhere and whispered to Nancy.

Nancy was shocked that she turns and almost trip on herself but Ryan manage to catch her on time.

Nancy brushes of Ryan's hand. Ryan who felt that Nancy was acting weird, asked her "Are you still feeling unwell?"

As soon as Ryan wanted to put his hand on her forehead, Fanny came over.

"Ryan! You're back" Fanny grabs Ryan's arm and sweetly smile to him.

"Mr Gu, i shall head back to work" Nancy who was feeling suffocated, left the hall and went to the rooftop instead.

"Should i just resign? What would the manage think of me then if i keep tendering but keep coming back? I definitely need to stay professional. He is just my CEO, nothing more nothing less" Nancy calms herself down.

While Nancy was away for a good 2 hours, something happen at the hall.

The father of the groom approaches Ricky.

"Where is snacks and mini cakes for the guest??" The groom father panicked making Ricky anxious as well.

Ricky saw Mr Gu and ran towards him.

"Mr Gu! Mr Gu! The snacks are not here yet" Ricky escalated this to Mr Gu.

Fanny was there and she asked Ricky "Do you know which company you guys cater from?"

"It is from Tree Delic" Ricky anxiously reply.

"Don't worry let me take over" Fanny taps Ricky shoulder and smiles to Ryan.

Fanny took over the stage and announced "Hi everyone, i truly apologize that there might be some delay in handing over the door gifts to you. There's seem to be a heavy traffic. So why not right now, let's watch our newlyweds video and speech to each other!"

Fanny already planned all of this in advance. She just wants to put the blame all on Nancy to make Ryan thinks that she is being distracted.

"Who is incharge of this!" Ryan pulls Ricky out of the hall to explain things.

"Actually I thought all has been settled because yesterday in our group chat, Nancy said she will check everything once again and even the door gifts are handled by her" Ricky softly replied.

"Ryan. Let's no blame anyone. Nancy was sick yesterday maybe she really forgot about it." Fanny tried to calm Ryan down but hearing her voice just angers him even more.

Soon after Nancy came by. Nancy was confused that Ryan and Fanny was starring at her.

"Nancyyyy" Ricky ran to Nancy and soft called her name.

Ricky explains what happen infront of Ryan and Nancy. Nancy was shocked as she thought that Fanny will take care of everything!

"But i…didn't you said you will check everything for me?" Nancy looked at Fanny and start scrolling her phone to see the reply.

Hours ago when Nancy went to the washroom, Nancy left her phone on her desk. Fanny who saw it, quickly deletes the messages.

Upon seeing that there's no evidence to proof, Fanny adds in.

"Nancy you must be really sick yesterday that you might have thought that i will be doing it" Fanny gave a pitiful look to Nancy who is already having teary eyes as she felt so unfair.

"Come with me" Ryan pulls her and drags her to his office.

"Now I don't want to hear it from anyone! Tell me what happen!" Ryan accidentally slammed the door in anger and Nancy was shocked.

She was controlling her tears so badly that she couldn't reply.

"I'm….sorry….Mr Gu. You can punish me. Its all my fault. I should be responsible enough." Nancy clenched her fist and looks down.

"Nancy…now it's just us. Everyone else is at the hall. What's wrong with you for these past few days" Ryan calmly asked her.

Nancy took a deep breath and looks into Ryan eyes "Mr Gu, now is working hours. I'm sorry for what has happened today and promised it won't happen again"