
Love in two worlds

Carol lives in a world where she has to finish abandoned stories, her manager tells her that she has an urgent story to finish and if she is successful then she'll get her reward but if she doesn't she'll be kicked out of this world.

Nore_Fan · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter Ⅰ

"Meet me outside."

Carol blinks at the phone screen in shock. Why is he texting her again?

She'd been attempting to avoid him at all costs. But now that he was outside, she could no longer put it off. Carol swung the door wide open and spots Jade pacing outside her door.

"Jade, what are you doing here, I told you to stop coming"


"Spit it out already I don't have all day" Carol muttered impatiently

"Carol I love you, lets get married and have kids we ca-!"

"NO! we've already had this conversation. I've told you this already, I don't like you!"

"WELL IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU ,THEN NO ONE SHOULD!" Jade shouted brashly and pulled a handgun from the waistband of his pants.


Carol thought this was the end of her, but had a stunning realization.

Jade collapsed onto the ground, a bullet hole in his chest as tall, dark-haired man had his pistol raised. Carol couldn't feel her legs her vision started to blur. As the tall dark-haired man came closer she and felt a pair of strong arms close around her. Carol's mind drifted as her eyes closed.