
Love in the summer

During the summer, the weather was so hot. In some areas the heat translates to drier temperatures. The hot , dry time of year can lead to droughts,where water is short supply. Heat waves time of excessively hot weather that include Spikes in temperature. Summer love occur when you meet someone of either same or opposite sex during summer or a vacation and you think you're in love but in actually you're not and it's lust than love. The novel "Love in the summer" is an emotional story full of love , loss, heart break and unbreakable bounds . This is a gorgeous story about how life doesn't always work out the way we want it to, but if we are willing we can still make it a great life. It is a novel suitable for all ages, good and easy to read. The novel love in the summer is an enjoyable story that move along good pace.

MERCY121 · Action
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chapter Three

Second day after the robbery was so fun, we all gathered in my home to share the money. The money was divided into two, I and Akpos collected half of the money and the rest were given to other gang members to be shared equally among them. I advise them to use the money for something meaningful and to keep it in a safe place , not to use it all for fun. We were all full of happiness and fixed a bar to celebrate the victory.

Next day was Thursday, immediately at 6:00pm I dressed up and went to a bar waiting for Kate there. as soon as I got there , I called the bar man to order some alcoholic drinks. After waiting more than two hours, I moved closer to the bar man to ask whether he had seen Kate or not. The bar man confirmed that she was already in the bar so he directed me to where he was.

Immediately I got to the room he was in, I saw some gangs surrounding her discussing with her but I don't know what they were discussing in common. After a few minutes watching them, I whispered and they all sighted me . They all brought out their guns and some pointed on me while some pointed theirs on Kate. I was told to put down my guns unless Kate will be killed.

I pretend to put down my gun,as I move closer to their leader. I pointed my gun on his forehead and asked them to let go of Kate. Kate was free and I asked her to exit the room. After she left, I lock the door and said;

"'how can a single men beat the whole of you, if I were you, I will drop my gun and take the silly boy chain on a chair with alot of beating"

They all look at their faces as they drop their guns , I pack their guns as I throw it away through the window. Two members of the gang were first to attack. With full force of punch, I bent my head and escaped their punches then I nack their heads together. They both fell with blood pouring from their nose.

Another set of gangs come to attack from different angles. I take a wooden chair in my front and break its leg, I start fighting them with the plank in my hand till it turns into peaches. One of the gang members from the back took a wooden table and crashed it on my head. I feel down with my head bleeding in blood. They all surrounded me with knives in their hands. I tried to stand up but I was so weak.

With the planks in my hand , I moved closer to their leader and threw it at him , their leader fell down holding his leg and shouting for help. All the gang members move closer to him to assist him.Few minutes later , the policemen arrive and they are all taken to the police station.

I move closer to Kate and seated beside her , I take a bottle of stout which has been already served on the table.

"Shall we?"

With laughter, we open the bottle of stout and we are enjoying our drinks . After the drinks, I brought out a golden chain and gave it to her . She was so happy as she put it on her neck.

"Thanks for saving my life"

She said that to me as we exited the bar.