
Love in the Apocalypse

Yvette finds herself transported to the future, expecting a world of extravagance and high-tech wonders, where she can indulge in gourmet food delights, and appreciate all upon evolved handsome men in the world. However... It's the apocalypse! It's the apocalypse! It's the apocalypse!!! And it's a parallel world's apocalypse! Talk about being unlucky; it needs to be said three times. Not only does she suffer from malnutrition and a lack of curves, but she's also constantly exposed to radiation, leaving her thin and sickly. This is a sign for mutation and death... But wait, what's this? Being radiation-resistant might actually grant her superpowers? In a world teeming with radiation-induced crises, how will a human stranded amidst ecological fissures survive? Travel through the apocalypse, Yvette must navigate this knowledge-scarce world, save handsome men, Amidst the chaos of the apocalypse, Yvette finds herself embarking on romantic adventures with various handsome men, each encounter offering a unique flavor of love in the end times...

JasonBelle · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
69 Chs

Well-Built Limbs, Simple Mind


In the past, I disliked reading, but now, when I stopped reading, I felt uncomfortable. Moreover, I began to feel increasingly insecure and yearned for more knowledge. One day, as I passed by the South District, I saw Farley and others reading, with Edmund teaching them. Edmund was using his left hand to instruct them, his right hand calculating his own formulas, and explaining concepts to Farley. It was as if he could multitask, and if he had four hands like William, he might have been able to do even more.


Among Farley's group, two kids with abilities, just as young as Farley, had already mastered advanced functions! When they asked me about curves and variables, I was completely dumbfounded. At that time, I felt extremely self-conscious and eager to read more.


If I didn't continue studying, expanding my knowledge, I might become what others call "well-built limbs, simple mind."


However, despite Edmund's brilliance and his super-sized brain, one thing bothered him. It was the disappearance of the radiation energy after conducting the radiation resistance test on me. He couldn't figure out where the leaked radiation energy went. This issue made the engineers in Noah City nervous for a while. They conducted inspections and repairs on the entire test chamber but found no damage. In the end, Edmund's two brains couldn't figure out where the missing radiation energy had gone.




Edmund's shout grew louder, and Emery stood straight, looking toward the entrance. The door opened, and Edmund excitedly stuck his head out, scanning the training ground before spotting Emery and waving enthusiastically. "Emery! It's done!"


Emery's eyes immediately lit up. "Fantastic!" He also got excited. "Wife, come on! Let's see the new spaceship!" Emery said, grabbing my hand and pulling me. What was done? Was it the star map that Edmund drew every night?


"A new spaceship?!" Everyone was surprised. "We want to see too!" They all followed us.


We all ran to the end of the corridor, our footsteps echoing lightly. At the end was a large circular platform with a control panel in the center. I knew it was an elevator. Everyone quickly ran up, and the platform was filled in an instant.


I shook off Emery's hand, casting him an annoyed glance. "Don't touch me."


"Heh." He gave me that playful grin again and immediately looked at Edmund. Edmund nodded at him, and he pressed the button on the central control panel. The entire platform swiftly ascended, and we rose above the circular passage. The entire East District gradually disappeared from view as we ascended.


A network of iron bridges crisscrossed, and beneath each layer of iron bridges, there were massive white compartments, including our usual training grounds.On the iron bridge, workers in orange overalls, members of Noah City's engineering team, were moving around. Noah City was vast, and there were always areas in need of maintenance.


As the platform reached its highest point, there was another iron bridge leading to another elevated platform. However, instead of walking across it, we were going to use zip lines!


Above Noah City, there were many cableways, the fastest means of transportation to other areas. William and the others swiftly secured themselves onto the zip line, leapt forward, and soared out of the platform, cheering in the air, "Whoa—Whoa—"


"Bernice, I'll help you." Bill assisted Bernice in securing the zip line. Bernice, still gazing ahead, didn't leap off the platform. Bill, seeing this, gave her a push from behind, and Bernice flew out, continuing to stare straight ahead. Many times, Bernice seemed more like a machine without power, showing no reaction to others. Bill watched her fly away and quickly secured his zip line to follow Bernice.


It seemed that Bernice didn't reject Bill's help. She walked away only from people she didn't like, even before they came close.


"Wife, I'll help you." Emery also wanted to assist me, but I gave him an eye roll. "Get lost!"


Emery half-opened his mouth, momentarily caught between laughter and tears.


I secured my own zip line and leaped out!


The rapid glide created a breeze that lifted my short hair. The exhilarating feeling of flying was addictive. In the sky above Noah City, we glided like a flock of black geese. People below looked up, waving and cheering at us.


Soon, we approached the platform near the North District. From above, we could see neatly arranged flying cars and small spacecraft waiting to soar into the sky. They looked like dormant birds ready to take flight. The spectacular scene was both exciting and thrilling. Lately, I've been learning how to drive!


On the platform ahead, everyone had already landed. Emery was standing there, and I noticed we didn't use the same zip line. Even though I was the first to arrive, he somehow ended up in front of me.


"Wife! I'll catch you!" He opened his arms, grinning, ready to catch me at any moment.


I squinted my eyes and extended my two legs. Emery widened his eyes, but it was too late. Before he could react, I had kicked him directly in the chest. "Get lost!"


"Ah!" Emery was kicked into the air, but luckily, William caught him and held him in his arms, looking at the bewildered Emery with a suggestive smile. "Emery, so you like me, huh?"


"Go to hell!" Emery pushed him away."Who will catch me——" Edmund urgently shouted from behind. William suddenly threw Emery aside and rushed towards Edmund. "Lovely little bunny~~~ I'll catch you~~~"


Emery shuddered immediately. As William was about to catch Edmund, Emery kicked him away. "You're disgusting!"






Due to Emery kicking William away, Edmund successfully crashed into him, landing safely.


"Hiss——Ah..." Emery winced, his arm hurting from the impact.


"Sorry, Emery!" Edmund quickly checked on Emery, who waved him off. "Be quicker! You're always the slowest!"


"I'm sorry, Emery!" William apologized, rubbing his chest.


"Never mind, just be quicker next time!" Emery shrugged it off.


"Alright, alright." Edmund hurriedly unlocked his safety buckle and approached the control panel in the center of the platform.


As the platform began to descend, I saw the square where flying cars and spacecraft were parked. Below each vehicle, there was a white platform. Looking down from above, the neatly arranged circles were lined up on both sides of a white-blue light passage, magnificent and grand.


I thought the platform would stop when it reached the square, but unexpectedly, it continued to descend! There was more below!