
Encounters with naked dwellers on a desert island (2)

"Are you hurt?" The man with the cigar, who was walking a long way away, darted to her side. "I saw you resting here and I thought I'd look around, but I forgot there might be snakes here. Are you all right?" He held the stunned woman tightly in his arms.

She let him hold her like a child. She was already a little weak, and now that the snake had frightened her, she was even more unable to support herself. It was a dreamy sensation, she didn't know if she had been bitten or not, she just felt dizzy. She leaned into his arms, feeling as if she were back in the warm embrace of her grandfather, who used to tell her many stories about snakes, and who said that some snakes were good. That was about the White Snake Lady. She laughed.

He examined all her exposed areas and they were fine, but for some reason they were so heavy that she couldn't seem to keep herself standing.

This was no good, they had to find a place to rest before it got dark. He thought.

With this in mind he knelt down to carry her on his back and under her feet she found a group of mushrooms. One was like a mischievous little umbrella open as if it was looking at him happily. If we don't get out of here today, he said to himself, maybe we'll just have to use you to fill our bellies. He put the mushroom in his trouser pocket with one hand and carried her on his back.

It was heavy, and the path through the forest was already difficult, and he felt more and more staggered. On his back she finally woke up from the many bumps she had taken on his back. She felt the strain of him carrying her. So she said, "Let me down, I can walk on my own."

He couldn't hold on any longer, so he put her down and he held her up while they stopped and walked and walked. It was getting dark. She felt his hands firm and strong and he held her, fearing she might fall. She had regained consciousness and only felt a dry mouth. But she did not tell him, she did not speak, she felt him so close to her in this huge forest. So close that she felt something unspeakable.

Not knowing how far they had walked, they found one or two people walking naked, and not far after, they came across several more. Bai Yun said, "What's so strange about these people, wandering around naked."

The cigar man laughed and said to Bai Yun, "You think they're weird, they think you're weird!"

Bai Yun said in a strange tone, "If I'm weird, then aren't you too?"

The cigar man said seriously, "To them, we're all weird."


"Because it was the sight of these naked people that dared me to determine where we were, on an island named 'Heliopolis', which means City of the Sun in ancient Greek. It's a paradise for nude advocates, a place where nudity is unrestricted, where people can get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy the fresh air and warmth of the sun. We need to get out of here as soon as possible."

"Why do we have to leave so soon? It seems like a nice place, the sun is warm and there are so many handsome naked men and women, we should have a nice walk.

"That's easy for you to think, but don't you know that the naked dwellers on this island hate peepers who come here in full view and wear clothes?" "If we're unlucky enough to meet the police, we'll need to strip off our clothes to wander freely."

"No, then the police here are either perverts or barbarians."

"They are just doing their job and supervising. No, the police are in the front, hide."

Bai Yun did as he was told and hid. "So what do we do? How can we get off this island as soon as possible?"