
A gorgeous reunion(2)

The waiter brought the menu and Bai Yun looked at it. All the food was very expensive for Bai Yun and she didn't know what to order. When she was hesitating, Richard said, "What would you like to eat, a set menu?"

When she heard about the set menu, she thought it wouldn't be too expensive as she didn't like to make people pay too much, so she said yes, Richard ordered and within minutes, a chef in a tall hat came to the table to cook.

After the waiter showed Richard the lively lobster, the chef started to cook it and heard the sound of a chomp and white smoke started to rise from the iron plate.

The most memorable part of the meal was the sliced raw beef. It's Kobe beef from Japan. We have to choose good quality cows and give them only beer since they were young. Of course, we have to give them regular massages and let them listen to music, so that the beef is tender and tender.

Bai Yun was surprised to hear, "Richard, are you kidding? You want to give a cow a massage and let it listen to music? You're doing this for the quality of the beef? Why does it sound like a fantasy?" Bai Yun said, "The beef was really smooth and tender.

As he tasted the food, Bai Yun thought about all the ways that humans have tried to get a good meal, and how many times they may be depriving animals of their right to live. But Baiyun knows that he is one of them at this moment. One of those cruel human beings, Bai Yun sighed as he thought about it.

Richard saw that Bai Yun was distracted, dazed and sighing, so he asked, "What are you thinking about ..."

Bai Yun said seriously, "I often think that human beings are cruel, including myself, we deprive other people of their right to live in order to enjoy food ..."

Richard looked at Bai Yun, such a young woman, not thinking about how to better enjoy life, but feeling the cruelty of human beings. At the moment, he saw Bai Yun as pure as her name, with a kind and compassionate heart, but the owner of this heart seemed not quite mature enough to know the laws of human existence, that is, still too simple, and if she met someone more cruel, she would definitely be hurt. As he thought this, he couldn't help but look at Bai Yun a few more times, taking a closer look at her. He said to himself that if he ever had the chance, he would protect her, protect her young, beautiful heart. So he said in a soft voice, "What you say is true, but we have to live, that's how the world is, the strong survive, if we don't eat, we deprive ourselves of the right to live. Life goes on, doesn't it?"

Bai Yun thought about it, but Richard had a point, he couldn't change anything, so he had to stop thinking about it. When Bai Yun saw Richard looking at himself carefully, he felt a little embarrassed, perhaps he was too naive in what he was thinking and saying? I don't know why, but at this moment, Bai Yun just felt her face seemed to be heated up by his look. She lowered her eyes in embarrassment and deliberately changed the subject, saying, "You were a different person that day and you are today, I don't know which one is the real you ... "

Richard was silent for a while, recalling his experience: "I was me that day and I am me today, but there was a little accident that day ... I was actually in Thailand first, and when I arrived, I was fascinated by the countryside and the people there. While I was concentrating on admiring the strange and unusual things that were available to me, someone else was already concentrating on looking at my purse and luggage. I don't know when someone brushed past me and my wallet, including all my cards, was stolen. I thought my luggage was just clothes, not worth much money, so I left it in front of a small shop to chase the thief, but the thief didn't catch me, and when I went back for my luggage, it had disappeared. ... Thanks to your help, you found me a place to go online, I registered my lost card and contacted a friend via email to get all my documents and cards replaced ..."