
Love in Hell

Akilah Moonlight is an Alpha wolf who ends up being mated to a self centred narcissist Alpha wolf of the Shadow's valley pack.He tries to save his miserable relationship but eventually gives up after he almost lost his life due to His mate's carelessness. He tricks his mate into rejecting him and runs away hoping to go back to his old pack, unfortunately due to unexpected events he ends up lost and winds up in the territory of the most dangerous rumoured wolf eating wolf. The Waltou pack. Will Akilah manage to find his way back home or will he find a new home and love in the house of Drago? Read on to find out! See you in chapter one!!!!

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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12 Chs


I don't know how long I have been running for, but I keep moving. I will go as far as my feet can take me. I just hope I am not running towards the north. I am really bad with directions. The only reason I don't want to end up in the north is to avoid the trouble it may bring just being on their grounds. Them and us don't have any scuffle but our laws and rules are different. We are very modern and even have cars, but they are traditional and prefer everything to be in accordance with nature. My biggest worry is not living a fancy life, no.I have heard of a tale that originates ,or was inspired by one of the members of that Pack. 

There apparently is a wolf among them who enjoys killing other wolves, specifically rouges and or ferals . I don't mind a fair battle yes, but this particular wolf does not burn his prey but does the unimaginable. He eats them.Not the sexy I am going to eat you up type of eating but he literally serves the wolves he kills like a five star meal and eats them, well I don't know if he does serve them, all I know is he kills and if he wants to he will eat the raw corpse of his enemy. I don't want to be eaten. Well ..at least not that way.

According to legend, this legend of cause being my older brother. This wolf eating wolf was born on a blood moon just like I was.He is cold and always has a deathly aura around him. Legend also says the wolf has eyes that are darker than the night and his fur is even more impossible to see during the times when the moon hides its full glory. He is the true living definition of dark. Legend warns to never travel the woods at night, apparently this myth of a man loves strolling around those times. I hope I don't meet him.Ever.

After running for what feels like forever now, I come across a stream of crystal waters blocking me from the path I want to take. I look around and sniff the air to check if I left a trail or if the trees on this side of the woods have extra eyes. Nothing. I then decide to take a break and drink from the stream before moving forward.I need to properly plan my route, I hope I end up at the MoonBright pack.This stream should mean I am not far from my destination. Right after I finish taking my second sip of the sweet waters, I hear a low growl and just as I lift my head to properly locate where it is coming from, a black shadow comes charging at me and before I know it, there is a sharp pain around my neck and everything goes black.

(few hours later)

"Has he woken up yet?"

I open my eyes to the sound of an old woman questioning a somewhat young boy  about.... I guess me? I don't know how long I have been sleeping but it should be around seven or six in the morning. After fully opening my eyes I realise that everything here is soo white! Is that boy my guardian angel and is that old hag the fucking Goddess? Even in death I want to kill that Moon flipping Goddess!, she stole my love and happiness from me!, but my body is a bit sore so I  decide to stay laying instead.

"He is awake!" The boy shouts, sending his deep voice to echo throughout the big room we were in.In an instant, the old witch is next to me. Wait, is she a fucking wizard? am I in hell?. I immediately get up and a huge surge of dizziness comes flooding over me. I fall back down on my knees and realise I am still in my wolf form. All dogs go to heaven, so maybe I got in under a fake category?.

"My name is Sky. Welcome to the Waltuo Pack. Our Alpha, I mean ....Beta found you while he was out patrolling  so now you are here in my clinic and I am kind of just waiting for you to wake up.I hope you are not homowizard ,my powers are the reason that you healed so fast." The wizard, who I now know is called Sky introduces herself with a cheeky smile. I don't respond. Instead I start to feel even more dizzy, I want to vomit. I am in a very very bad place.Curse my stupid brain and my angry heart, I should have taken my phone then maybe I could have used google maps.I brought myself right  to the devil while trying to run away from the demon. I am in the king of hell's throne room.I am in the hell of all hells.

"Did you tell him?" Sky turns to  ask the boy whom I thought to be my guardian angel earlier, but now that I look at him properly he is nothing like an angel.He is dressed in  cream white oversized linen pants that have a matching shirt which is also loose.He kind of looks like a worker at an island resort, am I really in the Waltou territory?.

The two of them go out of my sight to talk. A few moments later, Sky walks in with a mischievous grin.. is she going to cook me for her master? I don't know what to do,my body is still painful and I don't know how big this whole place is so I can't just run,I need to think of a good escape plan...later..if I am of cause not eaten.Sky comes back and passes me a bowl of cold water.

 " Drink, it will help you and your wolf calm down"She says.I  don't trust her but I drink anyway. I would rather be killed unconscious than fully awake.

After drinking from the bowl, she gestures for me with her head to follow her.I feel really scared and I don't want to be dramatic but I literally can hear angels calling my name. I think my soul is slowly leaving me. After walking through a long dark corridor, we finally arrive at the end of it. Sky pulls the large two side door to reveal a massive number of wolves whispering among themselves with their master sitting at the far end of room, it is weird how his aura does not emit that of a leader. Weird.On his right though, there is someone whose very poise screams leader. I don't understand, but their pack situation is none of my business.I need to find a way to get out of this alive.

 The man on the right side of the leader, or to be specific , the man who appears to be around three or two years older than me who is sited next to the leader stands and  as he raises his left hand to a response of immediate silence ,I see it, his half moon birth sign, similar to mine but on a different spot. This is him, this is the cold blooded beast that roams this territory.On that night when the moon cursed him, I who was born in the later time bore the mark of a bright moon and he at his time was given the the dark mark, a moon that resembles crimson blood.He is my nightmare. He is ...

Drago.The God of Hell.