
Love in Deceit: Mafia Boss' Enigmatic Wife

An undercover special agent is up for sale at an auction upon receiving intel that the Rios Mafia’s new boss is looking for a wife-for-hire. An action-packed romantic adventure of two people hiding equally heavy secrets that could risk their relationship and an arising problem that threatens their home country. Will legacy and honor uphold, or will their love prevail? Fallon 'Agent Hawk' Ravestreen has just been assigned a new infiltration espionage mission and it's to the most influential in the Las Vegas underground, the Rios mafia. And their head being the ruthless beast, Jett Rios. More and more challenges pose in the way of Fallon's success, among them the growing curiosity of Jett towards her true identity and of course, the elephant in the room, their sexual tension. Will Fallon ever leave the Rios mafia alive and her heart intact, physically and emotionally? Content warning: This book contains mature scenes inappropriate for younger audiences. Reader discretion is advised. Excerpt: “I told him to get you some water and biscuits,” he casually informed me. I gulped. “T-Thank you…I…Actually, I haven’t had a good meal for days…” He dramatically sighed and fanned me from where he sat, as if the air he made would reach me. “That explains your skin and bones body! That won’t do, darling! I don’t want to marry a corpse in a week! I bit my lower lip. His backhanded jokes are getting in my nerves. Is he this childish? Or is he drunk? I’ve never regretted accepting a mission but I think that streak is going to be destroyed soon. Nonetheless, I feigned to be offended with his remark and forced out crocodile tears. One trickled down my left cheek and I sobbed. “I’m—I’m sorry, Mr. Rios. If you want another wife, I can— “ I stopped when he stood up and took the glass of water the man he ordered gave and leisurely made his way to me. The amusement was completely gone in an instant and he turned nonchalant in the blink of an eye – is he sick? Suffering some kind of disorder, or he just handles his emotion that well? I watched him near me and my gaze dropped to the glass of water when he quietly pushed it to my direction. The sudden change surprised me that my tears completely disappeared. “I didn’t mean to make you cry, nor did I know that you cry so easily,” he murmured under his breath, his voice a pitch or two lower than his joking one. “Well, I should’ve guessed it when you looked so frail and a total crybaby. Apologies, my bride.”

zvd · Urban
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10 Chs

The First Move

I figured some time ago that this is like a game. A dangerous game of chess. Where Jett Rios is the Queen of the enemy piece, and I...my position in this game is yet to be revealed. Either I'm a loyal knight or bishop to my Queen or a mere pawn. Everyone playing a role in this game is individually dangerous and takes every move with thorough planning.

After we discussed our deal, I was led to the west wing of this mansion by a housemaid, while Jett's colleagues that were waiting outside came back in. Just before I turned a corner, I heard a familiar loud, baritone laugh echo from the room I came from. That was probably him. I maintained my vigilant expression, my sneer almost surfacing. What a loud man.

His childish attitude replayed in my mind. It didn't seem like a façade, nor did it seem genuine. Was that how he irked his opponents? Purposely getting under their skin by throwing backhanded compliments and subtle threats while maintaining a casual tone? Even his grins are like double-edged swords. Is he in this field for his amusement? Just how dangerous is he?

"This is your room, madam," muttered the maid. I snapped out of my thoughts and was surprised to see her bowing slightly to me while motioning to a set of tall double doors. I didn't realize we stopped.

"T-Thank you...Please, call me Fallon." I gave her a tight-lipped smile when our eyes met.

"Okay, Madame Fallon."

The smile became a grimace. I quietly entered the room and roamed my eyes around the place. Tall ceiling, big windows to the side of the canopy bed. The thick curtains covered the moonlight which left little to no light inside the room. Nevertheless, I could still make out the bed that's looking more and more seducing the more I look at it.

I eventually climbed to the bed and sighed under the soft pillow. The fatigue from this morning has been piling up on me. The flight, the scheme as a beggar, the auction, and the travel to Casa Rios. But probably, the most draining one was my encounter with the man-child named Jett Rios. My eyelids became heavier and heavier, until blinking itself was a struggle. I purred one last time, feeling the cloud-like duvet until my consciousness slipped.

A slight creak broke the peace and quiet in my room.

And then the sound of a quiet footstep popped the bubble of my sleep. My mind instinctively sent jolts of mild electricity all over the nerves of my body but my eyes remained firmly shut. My even breathing

"Madame Fallon, it is already morning. You must wake up now."

The soft yet firm voice that came from the trespasser was familiar. I recognized it as the one from the housemaid that escorted me to this room last night. It's morning already? She walked to the side of the bed, and I groaned when the harsh sunlight attacked my closed eyes. The maid had just opened the curtains and let the sun rain on me. Finally, I fluttered my eyes, pretending to be woken up by the harsh sun.

It's morning already. I felt like I only had fifteen minutes of sleep.

The maid turned to me and slightly bowed. "You must've been tired from last night. But the master has asked me to wake you up because of urgent matters."

"W-What's the urgent matter?" My throaty voice sounded foreign to my ears. My God. Just how tired was I?

"The master shall inform you. I will now prepare your bath." I observed her while she worked. She looks middle-aged, with faint wrinkles tracing her face. Her tight bun tamed her brown hair, and her stoic expression oozed authority and respect at the same time. Is she the head of the house helps?

"Um, can you tell me your name?" I asked in a hushed tone. She paused and turned in my direction, still avoiding eye contact.

"Apologies for not introducing myself earlier. I am Linda, the mayor doma of Casa Rios."

"Mayor doma?" I slightly tilted my head in confusion.

She nodded while preparing towels. "Yes, Madame Fallon. I am the head servant of the household, directly serving the Master and now, the Mistress, of the house."

I nodded understandingly. I see. It must be a Spanish term, which is understandable since the Rios Clan is a Spanish-American clan from Spain. I'm still uncomfortable with the way she addresses me, especially earlier when she subtly addressed me as the mistress of the house. I thought they'd treat me poorly because I'm only a bought woman—then again, my worth is a million dollars.

After a few minutes, Linda led me to the bathroom, right of the room, where the bathtub is already filled with water. Then, when I was just about to strip, I remembered.

I turned to Linda who was ready to help me strip, when I asked her, "C-Can you turn around, Linda? I'm uncomfortable stripping in front of other people."

She seemed to think over it for a heartbeat but still turned around. Then, I carefully got out of the dirty waitress-turned-beggar outfit. I pulled out the small device hidden in one of my clothes' pockets and looked around the spacious bathroom. For now, I'll have to just hide this from Linda and I'll retrieve this later when I'm alone. I managed to find a good hiding spot for the device, all while making ruffling noises as if I'm still undressing.

But the device wasn't the only thing I wanted nobody to know about. I traced the big scar along my right shoulder blade to my lower back and bit my lower lip. The gunshot wounds I have from other parts of my body are nothing in comparison to this scar. I went into the tub, hiding my scar, and told Linda it's alright to look now.

"I will now bathe the Madame," she announced and grabbed a shampoo bottle. My eyes widened. Oh, so that's why she waited for me to undress? Then she'll see my scars and know that I'm not just a mere waitress! Or wait...I could turn this to my advantage and gain their sympathy. It would be a hit to my pride, but the Fallon I'm acting out as right now has lost any remaining pride.

"I-I can do it myself...I—My body is hideous," I mumbled under my breath, as if ashamed.

"If the Madame is uncomfortable, I will promise that whatever I see will only be between us," she remarked as I looked up at her, surprised. Linda, at first glance, looks like a heartless and cold woman. But hearing her considerate words makes me think that she has a warm heart beyond that cold demeanor. I slowly smiled. If I can get her to be more loyal to me, her mistress, than to her master, I can use her to gather information. She will be extremely useful, being the head servant of the house.

"O-Okay..." I let her bathe me. When she saw my body, full of dreadful scars —especially the one on my back, I heard her suppress a gasp. Her scrubbing was softer on the scars, and I couldn't be more thankful for her consideration. For now, she would likely report this to Jett because she's more loyal to him, but I'll do what I can to get her on my side. And maybe I can sway to rest of the house helps here, too.

"You have been through so much, Madame, you have my utmost respect," Linda said after she finished bathing me. I smell fabulous, and my pale skin feels softer than before. My short black hair and bangs also feel silkier and more pin-straight.

"T-Thank you," I meekly replied. "I hope you uphold your promise...I'm scared of Mr. Rios's reaction if he finds out the girl he bought is damaged beyond repair."

I watched Linda's expression from the mirror on the vanity as she dried my hair. There was a flicker of an emotion in her eyes that disappeared as fast as it appeared. "The master is a kind man. I don't think he will react violently to the Madame, but to the reason of your scars, he might."

"The...The reason for my scars are long gone." I answered to end the conversation.

Linda gave me a pink flowy dress that ended on my knees. They were sleeveless with flower prints a shade darker than the color of the dress. She partnered them with sandals as I wore light makeup. The event today is special so I should dress well, she said. So I quietly let her choose my outfit, even though it's my first time dressing so...brightly. I've had to wear costumes and create so many aliases, but I've never been a preppy, feminine girl.

"May I ask..." Linda turned her attention to me from picking accessories. "What exactly is today's event?"

"Well, today's your wedding, Madame."