
BL- Falling in love with one star in The whole Galaxy.

" watch where you are going, are you blind or something?, don't you know who I am you anim...?". AJ ask angrily

" why should I watch were am going, you should also watch where you are going, can't you see am on my way to the washrooms, Jay says

Before he could let his anger out on Jay , Aj friends stopped him at once.

" stop AJ, Calm down first and let him be"

" wait before I leave my Name is JAY, so Next time call me by my name"

" wait what, who said you can tell me what I should call you" AJ says as he fumes with anger.

" Stop!Stop!Stop Just let him be" Kan AJ friend stops him.

" The nerve of that guy" AJ says it angrily.

" AJ are you insane do you want to be suspended from school, ooh I forgot you father is an investor in our school so you can't get suspended" Pat AJs friend reminds AJ.

" laughing immensely, he should know by now you I am".

AJ and his friends leaves while making a wild laugh.

Jay walks straight to his friends and told them what really happened.

" What, you did what, we are just here on our first day and yet you almost got into a fight with a senior"

" No Tiffany, we just bumped and he Just got angry as if I killed someone".

" Congratulations Famous guy, I just hope you won't creat problems for us in the future" Drake said.

" No I won't".

All the Juniors were taken round the whole school and they were given a Badge according to their faculty. Jay, Drake, Drey, Tiffany, May were in The The Engineering Faculty.

The Junior Engineers are gathered in a hall, and the engineering leading team arrive and congratulate them for choosing this Faculty, they welcome them with a round of applause.

" No way this can't be" Jay exclaimed in shock

" what's wrong".

" The...the...the... ".

" The what?, why don't you just come out and tell us what is happening". May asked.

" The senior I told you about, he is here.

" What! where is he?

" Who gave you the right to talk when we are talking" AJ asks

Everyone keeps quite because they all feared AJs Voice as he was giving an introduction

" well we welcome you all to the faculty, My Name is AJ the leading Captain"

" This is Kan, Pat, Jayden, ZJ, and Jake" They were all introduced to the Juniors as the leading team. Today it was a welcoming day so you can all disperse"

" Hey Drake the guy I was taking about is AJ"

" What, you just dug your own grave he is as fierce as a lion, his voice alone makes everyone shiver".

" well am not afraid of him, he can take me nowhere".

" Jay this is not cool at all" Tiffany exclaims.

when they were walking on the hallway to their way home they met with the seniors.

All scared

" Hello" gave their greeting while being afraid

" Hello to" the seniors replied.

" Wow Jay so you are in the engineering Faculty" ZJ asked

" Yes I am"

" well are you on your way to home"

" Yes we are" they are replied

" Have a nice day" Pat said

When they were leaving AJ holded Jay by his shirt and he whispered something on his ear.

" I will make you life in this school a living hell, I will make you say I wish I never choose this Uni, You will know who I really am" AJ said as he let go of Jay's shirt.