
Chapter 8


"WHAT were the two of you doing inside the chef's stockroom again?" the guidance counsellor who was facing both Adam and me shifted her gaze back and forth.

"I've explained multiple times that someone locked us in there," I replied, annoyed that we were being questioned about the incident when we were the victims. Whoever was responsible for this would surely face my wrath, whoever that annoying person was!

"Someone locked you in, or you locked yourselves in?" she countered.

"What?!" I looked at Adam, who remained quiet. Why wasn't he helping me explain? He's a grown man, but he's acting like he's mute. I wonder if I could pull his tongue out.

"I'm addressing both of you now, Miss Evangelista, because I don't want this to escalate to the dean of the school. So, right now, tell the truth," she handed her cell phone over and showed us something. "How do you explain these pictures, Miss Evangelista? Mister Zhymian? Come on, why were you in the chef's stockroom, and why do you both look like this in these photos?"

"But that is just a misunderstanding! For fuck's sake--"

"I don't appreciate your tone and language, Miss Evangelista. If you think you're exempt because one of the Merced is your friend, you're mistaken. Rules are rules, and you know that this is something the school won't tolerate. If you don't confess, I might as well talk to your parents."

"No!" Adam and I shouted simultaneously.

Miss Aragon raised an eyebrow. "And why not?"

"What Sanya said is true. I was just walking in the hallway of the culinary building, and suddenly, someone put a trash bag over my head. I couldn't see anything, and when I removed it, I was already inside that room," Adam finally explained, his voice emerging at last.

"Let's assume what you're saying is true, but I'm asking about these pictures?" the annoying woman raised her eyebrow again. "And why did you both need to be together in the same room? If someone wanted to get back at you, as you claim, Miss Evangelista, why did Mister Zhymian have to be there too?"

I sighed, feeling a headache from the stress of this situation. How could I possibly explain this to her? My head was throbbing from all the frustration.

"I hope you understand that I'm just doing my job—ensuring that we follow correctly the rules of the school. And one of those rules is not letting problems escalate to the dean's office or spread elsewhere. Now, if I can't get a reasonable answer from you, then I'll go ahead and talk to your parents, as I mentioned earlier."

"Ma'am, please don't do that."

"And why not, Mister Zhymian?" Miss Aragon smiled at us. "They said they're on their way."

My eyes widened. Bullshit! This can't be happening! If they come here now, they'll find out our true relationship, and we'll have to put on a sweet act again.

Someone suddenly entered the room. "Oh, Mrs. Evangelista!" I blinked my eyes, not expecting her to be the one entering.

"What's happening? Sanya, what's the problem? I just came back from Palawan, and this is what greets me—" my Mom looked at Adam. "Oh, son, you're here too."

"Hi," Adam greeted, and I gave him a stern look.

"So, Mrs. Evangelista, you know Mr. Zhymian?" Miss Aragon asked.

"Well, of course! He is my daughter's husband," my Mom said, and then another person entered. I exchanged glances with Adam as they greeted each other; it was Adam's mom.

This life is so annoying. Why does it always seem like it's punishing me?

"SORRY, Miss Aragon. You know how today's youth can be passionate, especially these two who are newlyweds," I heard Adam's mom say, and they laughed as if this wasn't a big problem they handed me.

"I'm so sorry for the trouble. I didn't know they were married because they didn't tell me," I said, trying to be apologetic.

"That's how it is. They haven't sorted out their marriage licence yet because they're still students."

I stopped listening to the rest of their conversation. I glanced at Adam, who was just beside me, quietly listening with his head bowed. This guy is really strange, always acting this way.

Mom grabbed my hand, and we all left the room together. I saw Kyra waiting for me outside. She mentioned that Lena and Alexa still had classes.

"How did it go?" she asked.

"It's all messed up now, Kyra," I whispered so that Mom wouldn't hear. I looked behind and saw Adam talking to both his mother and mine.

"Okay, I'll go ahead then," Mom said, approaching me. "I thought it was an emergency. Next time, Sanya, if you can handle it, you should know what to do."

"Yes, Mom."

"You could have told them earlier that you're married and there was a misunderstanding."

"That's what I did, but she wasn't listening to me."

"Because she didn't know that Adam is your husband. You should've told her. Anyway, I don't have time for this. You know I'm a busy person, Sanya. Are you taking your vitamins?"

"Yes, Mom."

"Take care of yourself, okay? I'll go now."

I forced a smile at Mom. It's always the same; I know it, and she doesn't need to repeat it. I've been responsible for myself since I was a child. I just watched as she walked away.

"Oh, Sanya," I smiled at Adam's mom as she held my hand. "I'm getting all excited! You know, back in my youth, I was passionate just like you two, so I understand what you're going through."

"Yeah, uh, yes," I tried to pretend to laugh, but honestly, I just wanted to be swallowed by the ground.

"But you both should finish your studies first. You're still young, and we're not in a hurry for grandchildren. No need to rush. We're not pressuring you."

Adam approached with a chuckle and put his arm around me. "Yes, Ma."

I held his hand and squeezed it before letting go, giving him a fake smile.

"Oh, I'm leaving now," we both nodded as Adam's mom left.

As soon as she left, I elbowed him in the stomach. "Ouch!"

"It's your fault!"

"And I'm the one to blame?!" He yelled back, almost as if he'd been mute just a while ago, and now he had a voice. He probably doesn't realize he should be more afraid of me than Miss Aragon.

"Sanya, we're in the faculty hallway. Someone might hear us," Kyra whispered to me. I just glared at Adam and walked away.

What now? How are we going to handle this now that they know we're married?

Just as I thought, the news about us being married spread. The pictures were prevented from spreading on the internet, but the news itself spread because Miss Aragon was the one who told everyone. Even the teachers know now.

"The news is that you're always teasing Adam to get his attention," Alexa said, laughing as she handed me the lemon juice, causing me to squint at her. "What? That's what I heard. And didn't Adam kiss you before? They say you're doing all this to get him to kiss you again!"

"Arrghh!" I stood up, throwing the bottle of lemon juice somewhere. Alexa and Tora stopped eating, surprised.

"It's not that bad, Sanya," Tora said calmly.

"Not that bad?!" I know she's just trying to make me feel better, but it's not helping. This is probably the dumbest thing I've heard from a smart person like her. "You know who I am, how people see me, and you're saying it's not that bad, and you're even laughing at me?"

"Hey! What's up, girls?" I looked at Kyra, and Alexa and Tora shrugged before looking at me. "Sanya?" I sighed. "It's been two weeks since the news came out. Maybe it's not that big of a deal for others any more, and it's still bothering you?"

"You girls don't understand."

"We do," Kyra moved closer to me. "But it's already happened. The news has spread, and we can't undo that. At least, someone will pay for it."

I smiled. "So, after two weeks, did you find out who's behind this?"

"Of course, it's us," Kyra replied. "We told you, no one can harm any girls, especially my friends. So just stay cool; those idiots are in trouble."

I just looked at Alexa and Tora behind me; they already knew what we were going to do.