
Chapter 11


I immediately woke up as my cellphone alarm rang. I needed to get ready for school. It's Wednesday, and as far as I know, Sanya's classes start in the afternoon today. After having breakfast and getting ready for school, I peeked into her room. I saw she was still fast asleep, so I quietly closed the door.

I wasn't very focused during the lessons because I was lacking sleep, but when lunchtime came, I couldn't understand why I felt so restless. "Aren't you going to eat yet?" I heard Seid ask, so I just shook my head.

"I'm not hungry yet, maybe later. Just for a moment," I replied.

I stood up, not answering his question about where I was going. I went to a spot near the school entrance where I knew Sanya usually passed by with her car.

I found myself wondering why I was here. Why was I waiting for her?

I considered leaving, but my feet seemed to want to return there and check if she would arrive. I was surprised when I ran into Lena. "Oh, Az!"

"Oh, hi, it's you," she wasn't with Kyra this time. "Just you, I guess?"

"Only me because I have a morning class, but Alexa and Kyra are coming soon. Thanks for last night."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" I furrowed my brow.

"Sanya texted me. She said she got home safely, and she's okay. We were really worried last night, and you didn't text back."

"Sorry, I was tired last night," I raised an eyebrow as if I were waiting for something more. "I just waited for her and then opened the door, that's all."

"You're quite defensive. I wasn't even asking if you did anything to her," she laughed, and I chuckled too. "She'll be here soon. I know you took care of her last night, so thanks. Okay, I'm heading out."

I nodded at her, but then she turned back. "Az! By the way, what are you doing here?"

"Huh?" I turned to her, just smiling. I scratched my head, trying to think of an excuse.

"Are you also waiting for Sanya?" Her smile grew even wider.

"No, not at all!" I fumbled in my pocket. "I, uh, forgot something in my car. My cellphone, by the way. Let's go to the parking lot together."

"Oh, just your cellphone?" Lena grinned. "If it were Sanya, you could have told me."

I furrowed my brow again, and she laughed at me. "Why would I wait for her? What do I care if she doesn't show up?"

"Okay, okay! I said nothing. Why do you sound so defensive?" She raised an eyebrow, teasing me with a grin and mischievous eyes.

"You're just so persistent."

As we approached my car, I quickly grabbed my cellphone. "Okay, I'm going now," I said, and Lena nodded.

"Oh, look, Sanya's here!" I had turned away, walking away, but my feet seemed to stop on their own, and I glanced back to where Sanya was slowly getting out of her car.

Weird, that's the first thought that crossed my mind.

Everything around me seemed to change along with the passage of time—the feeling of not being able to breathe.

Yes, it's weird, but it feels like everything is just right, like it all feels weird in a good way.

The nervousness, the chill, not being able to take my eyes off that person. I never thought I could feel this way, that I could possibly experience these emotions all at once, but I can't explain it. I don't even know what to call it.

"Az!" I turned to Lena, who was in front of me suddenly. "I thought you were leaving?"

I cleared my throat and searched for an answer in my mind. I noticed Sanya was approaching us, and I didn't know why, but it felt like I was drifting back into a daze.

"Hey!" Lena blocked my way. "I knew it. I was right!"

"No, I—"

"What's going on here?" both Lena and I turned to Sanya as she spoke. I hadn't realized she was already behind Lena. She raised an eyebrow. "What?"

I glanced at Lena, and she gave me a meaningful smile.

"Az had something to do here," my eyes widened, and I looked back at Sanya, waiting for her response. "He forgot his cellphone. I bumped into him earlier, and we talked."

Sanya nodded. "He is always like that. His cellphone is one of the most important things, but he always forgets it," she sighed and looked at me.

I swallowed hard because I was nervous about her scrutiny. I remembered her saying not to get in her way, and she wouldn't bother me. She furrowed her brow, and it surprised me because she was the first to look away.

"Come on, Tora. Let's wait for Kyra on the rooftop." Lena nodded and started walking, passing me. Maybe she was too tired to try and provoke me right now.

"ARE you coming?" Seid asked me.

"Yes," Seid was referring to the outing in Quezon Province. It's a three-day, two-night trip, and I preferred to go because I knew it would be good for my grades.

"I can't go."

"Why not?"

"I'll just submit what's needed and work full-time while there are no classes. You know it's expensive," I just smiled at him. Unlike other students here, Seid was a scholar from a poor family. He was a working student, studying in the morning and working at night, so it would be difficult for him to join outings like this.

Fortunately, he was smart enough to handle extra assignments or projects. Unlike me, who just barely managed to pass, I had to join these events to ensure I passed.

"Are you coming, Az?" I was surprised when Lena sat down in front of me. I hadn't eaten lunch earlier, so I was just eating now. I only started feeling hungry after three consecutive classes, with my next class still an hour away.


"For the outing. Are you coming?" She took some fries from my tray.

"Why are you asking me? Are you going?"

"What do you take me for, stupid? Of course not. I'd prefer taking extra assignments and projects. I already know I'll be happy."

"Is that a serious answer?" I asked her in surprise.

"Of course. This is me, Selena Tora. I don't need those things to pass," I just smiled and nodded. "How about you?"

I felt embarrassed to give my answer. Did joining such outings mean you were stupid? Couldn't I just want to go to see the scenery? But wait, if Lena wasn't going, maybe her friends weren't either, especially Sanya.

"Hey, what's with the hesitation again? Change your brain's processor; it's probably still a pentium while I'm already a core i9."


"Look at you, so slow," she laughed at me. "Are you coming on the outing?"

"I'll think about it."

"Oh," she nodded while pouting. "If I tell you that Sanya's coming, will that affect your decision?"

"Why would I care if she's coming or not? It's probably better if she doesn't come. Otherwise, what should have been a nice outing for me might turn into the worst outing."

"Worst outing already?" She widened her eyes and smiled. "You're too dramatic."

"Well, sorry to disappoint you, Zhymian. I'm going because I want to." I almost fell off my seat, hearing Sanya say that as she suddenly sat down beside me. The seat was wide, so we were quite far apart.

"Hi, Sanya!" She smiled at Lena, the kind of smile I wished she would give me. "Where are Kyra and Alexa?"

"They went to buy drinks," Sanya replied, looking at me. "What did you say earlier? Worst outing?"

"I'm leaving," I picked up my tray.

"Did I say you could leave?" I stared at Sanya, who raised an eyebrow, so I just sat back down. "I knew you'd be going. You're so brainless, you need it."

"Why? You're also going?!" I couldn't help raising my voice.

"I wouldn't come if Kyra hadn't asked me. It's compulsory for her to join, but Lena doesn't want to, especially Alexa because she has swim team practice. How about you? You're coming to save your grades, right?"

I sighed in irritation. Sanya's attitude would never change, no matter how nice I was to her last night, or maybe there was still a way for her to change.

When Kyra arrived, I stood up. I knew that if I stayed here any longer, they would just mock me.

"We bought five drinks, Sanya. Whose is the extra one?" I heard Alexa ask.

"Zhymian!" I turned to her, and she came closer, placing a bottle of lemonade on my tray. Her actions surprised me. Was this really Sanya? "You might choke; you've been eating without drinking."

I moved closer and whispered, "What's this for?"

"Last night."

"Do you remember?" My eyes widened.

She shook her head. "Lena just told me."

I nodded. It seemed that Sanya had a little kindness in her—just a little.

I smiled, and she raised an eyebrow. "What does that smile mean?"

"Nothing," I shook my head. "Nothing at all."

"Good. Erase that smile; it irritates me. You look like a pervert." She glared at me and turned away.

I just turned as well and looked at the drink she gave me.

I won't drink this. I'll buy another one, but not this.