
Chapter 822 Ms. Cohen

There must be someone behind all of this!

The only person behind the scenes that Dayana could think of was the one called Savanna.

Savanna must have a grudge against Dayana, so Savanna deliberately wanted to disturb her life and make her uneasy.

Dayana came to the competition building with anger, but she did not expect to be stopped by the security guard just as she reached the gate.

"What are you here for? Please show your pass. Only staff are allowed to enter!"

"I am the judge here. I am here to look for someone," Dayana replied in a hurry.

"Judge? All the judges have a pass. Where is your pass?" the security guard asked in a very responsible manner.

Yesterday, Dayana was kicked out of the arena and deprived of her qualification as a judge, so Dayana's pass was taken back.