
Chapter 795 You're Going Too Far

Savanna tried her best to avoid the possibility that Brett misunderstood her again.

She retreated behind the designers in her group, trying to keep her profile as low as possible.

Seeing Brett look away, Savanna finally breathed a sigh of relief.

An employee came to lead the way. "The workshop for the fifth group is this way. Please follow me."

The short-haired designer walked at the front, followed by Rubi and two male designers in the group. Savanna didn't want to steal the limelight and walked at the back.

But she did not expect that Brett would be one step behind her.

Savanna suddenly stiffened in embarrassment. Did he especially walk at the back to warn her from getting close to him?

Savanna sighed in her heart. If only she had paid more attention to the surroundings when she made the call!

She would have avoided unnecessary misunderstandings.