
Chapter 752 A Mysterious Woman

Once Scott filed for bankruptcy, the employees would be more anxious.

Moreover, with the current situation of the Parsons Group, it was impossible to support so many employees. It was necessary to reduce the staff.

Other than that, Scott still had to finish the liquidation of assets and a series of messy procedures.

Scott had a headache by only thinking about it. Moreover, at such a critical juncture, his heart was unwell, which was quite infuriating.

His daughter, his company, and his health went wrong at the same time. He was almost forced to a dead end.

The sun was setting, and the light shone in through the window and enveloped Scott.

He looked up at the setting sun and felt even more sorrowful. Was it his fate? Was there no room for leeway?

In the Thompson's home.

Brandon and his family had just finished dinner. Roya felt sleepy after eating. Her eyelids were tightly closed as if they were inlaid with magnets.