
Chapter 723 Save Them All

"It should have something to do with Mrs. Cassel. We don't know the details yet.

"I will do my best to find out," Jim replied.

"OK." Brandon nodded.

Brandon unconsciously pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers. He thought, I'm right. Ayden is indeed threatened by Spencer.

Spencer is insane. He is willing to go all out just to achieve his goal.

Savanna bit her lip and frowned.

"I don't get it. Why is Spencer against me? Why does he insist on pestering me? We don't have a history."

Brandon reached out and patted the back of Savanna's trembling hand. "Savanna, you don't have to worry about that. You just need to focus on getting better."

Savanna looked over, her beautiful eyes full of doubt. "The doctor has been paid off. Are we still going?"

"Of course," he answered firmly. "The one who has been paid off is just the assistant. We're here because of Dr. Barrett. Healing your face matters more.