
Chapter 670 Return

After a month passed, the rescue team had almost searched every piece of land near the sea, but there was no trace of Savanna.

Nobody knew if Savanna was alive. She was just off the face of the planet.

It had been three months since Savanna disappeared. It had been so long that even Brandon's legs had been completely healed. Today, he went to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor said that he had recovered very well, so Brandon didn't have to use a wheelchair anymore.

Jim drove Brandon back to the company. When the car passed by the company's gate and was about to enter the underground parking lot, Brandon looked out of the window and frowned immediately.

"What is she doing here?"

Lilia had come here many times these days. Brandon could see her every time he came to work.

If Brandon didn't ask the guards to stop her from entering the company's building, Brandon thought that Lilia would come to his office every day.