
Chapter 654 Flee With the Hostage

"Brandon, you can't just die. There are still the kids for you to take care of."

Savanna glanced at Brandon with a longing look, so longing that she wished she could remember every pore and eyelash of Brandon by that.

"Brandon, it's been so many years. And yet, you are still so good-looking. Every time I woke up in the middle of the night to the sight of me being held in your arms, I felt I was just dreaming."

Savanna smiled, "How lucky am I to be able to turn the person I liked into my husband!"

"Savanna, stop. I will save you, and we will always be together."

Jayce stared at Savanna and threatened her with a knife. "Bitch, what are you trying to do? If you wreck my plan, I will..."

The sound of a blade cutting through flesh interrupted Jayce's sentences.

Brandon didn't expect Savanna to be in such a frenzy of violence that she would crash her own neck into Jayce's blade.

"Brandon, avenge me."