
Chapter 63

In the south of New York.

The sky here was azure, and the waters were clear. It was the land of happiness and promise.

Savanna held the design drawing of the resort and stood on the waters of a bay, looking at the east and thinking. She was thinking about how to turn the land under her feet into a beautiful village and make money.

It was raining. On the muddy road, Savanna walked slowly. The rain soon soaked her clothes.

She placed her hand on her forehead but was unable to stop the rain from falling into her eyes.

She was about to find a place to hide from the rain when a small car drove over in the rain. Savanna was overjoyed. She reached out to stop the car. The car drove past her and the water splashed on her clothes and pants. Fortunately, she turned her face away. Otherwise, the dirty water would splash into her mouth.

Beep! Beep! Beep!