
Chapter 632 The Building Is Empty

"That bastard lied to me. To think that I treated him like he was my brother!"

Daryl clenched his fists in anger.

Daryl thought, I think of Eddie as my brother. That's why I trust him so much.

Although I have not known him for a long time, I think he is a man worthy of making friends, a man of honor and decency.

More importantly, our experiences are very similar. We're both out of favor with our families, trying to make a career out of it to prove ourselves.

I think we're the same type of people. Therefore, I think of him as my friend. And all of these are nothing but lies!

The more Daryl thought about it, the angrier he felt. In the next second, he strode out.

"Brat, where are you going? You dare to leave after making such a big mess?"

Jayce slumped in the chair and cursed at Daryl as the latter left. Jayce was so furious that he almost had a heart attack.

"Hey, where are you going?" Collin chased after Daryl.