
Chapter 547 Help

"Dr. Sharp, say something. What's going on?"

Lilia was so anxious with her tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Finn has changed so much. Does he have schizophrenia?"

"Ms. Parsons, I didn't expect you to see through that." Darwin sighed with sadness.

Darwin felt that it was better to just tell Lilia that Finn got schizophrenia. Then she would attribute these changes to his illness in the future.

In this way, there would be less trouble.

"Really? Does Finn get such an illness?" Lilia repeated the words "schizophrenia" and asked in disbelief. "Why did he get this disease? Is he under a lot of pressure?"

Now that Darwin said that, he had to lie properly.

Darwin frowned worriedly and said in a particularly worried tone, "He managed such a big company alone at such a young age. He was not in good health, and it was inevitable for him to get this kind of disease. Fortunately, he had controlled it well."