
Chapter 461

"How is it? Has Gordon signed the contract with Shield Group?"

Brandon reached the office and took off his coat.

"Yes, and the contract is on your table." Jim took the cold coat and hung it on the hanger.

Brandon looked at Gordon's name, which was signed with vigorous strokes in the contract. He smiled slightly, revealing a smile that had not been seen for a long time.

It took Brandon so long to set up the trap and trap it with Gordon.

Gordon, like a cunning fox, wandered around the trap for so long. After probing and hesitating, he finally stepped in.

"Roya's birth gift has been late for so long. I can finally make up for it." Brandon was extremely pleased.

He owed Savanna so much that he didn't know how to make up for it. Money might be a kind of compensation.

"Congratulations, Mr. Cassel."

Jim immediately congratulated Brandon.