
Chapter 3

Savanna fell asleep. Giselle called her at 2 am.

"Savanna, is Brandon by your side?"


Savanna was always obedient to Giselle. She never lied to Giselle. But this time, Savanna lied. She didn't want to deepen the split between Giselle and Brandon.

"Let him answer the phone."


Savanna held her phone tightly and immediately sat up from the bed.

"Brandon has been busy these days. He is sleeping. You can call him in the morning."

Before she could finish, Giselle interrupted her.

Giselle said angrily, "Savanna, stop covering things up for him? I knew everything."

"Mom, the news is fake. Those reporters reported rumors just for money."

"Winnie will have an operation tonight. If the operation is successful, Brandon will leave you tomorrow. You are so sweet and considerate. But you're so kind that you may get hurt by others."

Savanna fell silent.

In fact, she knew she was not that kind. She just couldn't get love from the one she loved.

No matter how hard she tried, she could not get Brandon's love. She felt helpless and hurt when she found out the fact.

She bit her lip so hard that it was broken. The blood dropped on her white pajamas.

Savanna didn't say anything.

Giselle sighed and said, "I'm really sorry for Krissa."

Then Giselle hung up the phone.

Savanna's heart squeezed.

It was raining outside. And it started raining heavily. Thunder rumbled as dark clouds filled the sky. Then the rain came in through the window. Savanna got up to close the window.

As the lightning flashed, Savanna seemed to see Brandon walking toward the hospital when she looked out of the window.

But she remembered that Brandon was in Ireland, so it was impossible that Brandon would be here. Savanna thought it must be an illusion.

Savanna smiled bitterly and closed the window. Then she lay on the bed.

Suddenly, the door of the ward was opened. The cold wind entered the ward immediately. Savanna shivered and looked at the door.

It was Brandon at the door. He was drenched. His hair was wet and messy. The rain was dripping from his head. His eyes were bloodshot. Brandon looked angry when he walked up to Savanna.

"Savanna, Mom forced me to come back. Are you satisfied now?"

Savanna was confused.

She felt the cold air and recognized Brandon's smell. Then she realized that he was real.

Savanna pinched her thigh so hard that she felt pain. She was sure that it was neither her dream nor an illusion.

Brandon really came back.

Savanna glanced at the rain outside the window. It was very dangerous to fly on a plane. Savanna was scared when she thought that Brandon came back by air.

Her face turned pale. She grabbed his hands.

"Your hands are so cold,

"Luckily, you come back safe."

Savanna wanted to help him take off his coat, but Brandon pushed her away. When she was about to fall to the ground, Brandon held her waist.

Then they looked at each other.

Brandon's eyes were cold. After she regained her footing, he loosened her waist.

Brandon left the ward directly without looking back.

Savanna wanted to speak, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

She wanted to keep her last dignity in her relationship with Brandon.

Savanna looked at the door. The cold wind blew in the ward. But she couldn't feel the cold air at all.

She fell onto the bed. She looked desperate and helpless.

After a while, Savanna heard footsteps coming from outside the ward. She was familiar with Brandon's footsteps, which were steady and gentle.

When Savanna saw Brandon again, she still sat still on the bed.

Brandon took a look at her and said, "The doctor said that you can leave the hospital now."

After that, Brandon took off his wet clothes. He took the clean clothes that Leo gave him and got changed quickly. Then Brandon picked up Savanna and left the ward.

When they left the hospital, they saw Leo at the gate. Leo ran over with an umbrella when he saw them. The black umbrella couldn't protect them from the heavy rain. Savanna's pajamas were wet with the rain. Brandon carried her into the car. Then he took off his coat and put it on her.

The car moved quickly on the road. They soon arrived at the villa.

Brandon carried Savanna out of the car. He directly sent her back to the living room. He turned on the heating and helped her change her wet pajamas. After that, Brandon went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Brandon was as gentle as usual to her.

But Savanna could feel that there was coldness behind the mask of his gentleness.

The room was warm, but Savanna felt so cold. Brandon came out of the bathroom and took the hairdryer to dry his hair. Savanna wanted to help him, but he stepped back. Savanna froze immediately.

Brandon was standing close to her, but Savanna felt they were actually distant from each other.

Brandon turned off the hairdryer and turned to look at her coldly.

Then Brandon said slowly, "Savanna, If anything happens to Winnie tonight, you will be responsible for it."

After that, Brandon opened the door and left directly.

Savanna's face was very pale. She sat on the bed for a long time and was unable to come back to her senses.

For Brandon, Savanna knew that she could never be compared to Winne no matter what she did.

On the day that Brandon married Savanna, Winnie slashed her wrists. Brandon left Savanna and went to the hospital. Savanna could only deal with the reporters by herself. The guests at the wedding teased her. For Savanna, her wedding was like a nightmare.

Savanna remembered how angry her father was at that time. He wanted to take Savanna to leave, but she chose to stay.

The reason was simple. She loved Brandon.

Savanna received an anonymous message to mock her that night. The message said that Savanna couldn't get Brandon's love and she was doomed to be a loser.

The next day after the wedding, Winnie was diagnosed with bone cancer. Since then, Winne went abroad.

Winnie had been jealous of Savanna since Savanna was better than her. Winne often took away Savanna's toys when they were young.

Savanna had once suspected that Winne was not ill at that time.

It had been two tears. Savanna was still not totally convinced that Winnie was so badly ill that she had to undergo surgery to survive.

But Savanna had no evidence and did not dare to say anything to Brandon. Even if she did, Brandon would not believe her.

The clock in the room was ticking. Savanna felt pain and couldn't fall asleep. Suddenly, someone opened the door. She felt the cold wind when Brandon came in. He was talking on the phone.

"Don't worry about money. I need you to give her the most expensive medicine."

Savanna knew Brandon was talking about Winne.

Winnie was lying on the operating table in Ireland, waiting for the operation. Although Brandon came back, he was worried about Winne.

Savanna knew this fact.

Brandon stayed in the study and waited for the result of Winne's operation.

Savanna hoped she could be Winne so that she could get Brandon's love and care, even if she was dying soon.