
Chapter 258

"It's fine. Drink with me."

Brandon put out the cigarette and dragged Ben to a bar. They got a room, and Ben wanted to ask for women, but Brandon said, "I want quiet." Then Ben didn't dare to make any requests.

Ben drank with him, and Brandon seemed to be determined to get himself drunk.

Glancing at the messy and empty bottles on the table, Ben felt dizzy.

The phone that Brandon had placed on the table lit up again and again, and he had seen it, but he did not check the phone.

Brandon was so drunk that he couldn't stand properly. Ben didn't know where to send him, so he got Brandon's phone and called the caller.

"Hello." Savanna's voice sounded.

Ben said, "Savanna, Brandon is drunk. Can you come and pick him up?"

"Where are you?" Savanna's voice was calm, and Ben didn't tell how she felt now.

Ben gave her the address, and Savanna soon arrived.

Ben handed Brandon to Savanna and slipped away.