
Chapter 207

Savanna muttered under her breath, "Chloe? Is it Chloe Gilbert?"

Savanna wanted to ask.

When the words reached her mouth, she swallowed them. With their current relationship, it was Brandon's freedom to date and marry whoever he wanted.

After the call, Brandon came in. At this point, the door rang. Seth came back from buying clothes for Savanna. He left immediately when he handed the clothes to Brandon.

Brandon handed the clothes to Savanna. "Change into it. I'll wait for you downstairs. The flight will take off at eight o'clock p.m."

Brandon left.

Savanna changed her clothes. The size of the dress was just right. Although Seth bought the dress, it was Brandon who told Seth the size. Savanna thought, Brandon still remembers the size of my dress. What does this mean? Hey, what am I expecting?

All of a sudden, Savanna broke into a laugh.