
Chapter 9: Llévate mi amor contigo

Do and Inna now fight almost every day. Inna still insists on going to Nebo, and Do still refuses. After another scandal, Inna declares that this cannot continue, and if they do not agree, she will leave and will not return. Tired of constant scandals, Do allows Inna to go for Nebo for two weeks.

Axel is at the hospital. He and Leo are treating minor wounds after an assignment when he gets a text message from Rene about leaving. Last month, Axel gave Rene the cell phone she wanted, and now he is in constant contact with her. Without waiting for the dressing to finish and leaving Leo in the hospital, Axel rushes to his father.

"What the heck! You shouldn't have let them go!" Axel shouts from the bursting into the cafe where Do likes to sit.

"It is her home. I didn't allow it because of security issues, but now our enemies are not in Nebo," Do answers calmly.

"Let your wife go, but Rene must stay!" Axel hovers over the table, unable to find a place for himself.

"This is your whole problem!" Do hits the table with his palms, and two visitors leave the cafe at once. The owner locks the door and hangs up a "closed" sign. "If it would be your will, you would have tied her to you."

"Because she is mine," Axel muses. "I don't care what you said and say; Rene is mine, and I don't let her go."

"You don't decide! Your father is alive and able to make decisions. So do not forget your place." the man clutches the cup in his hands. Axelyanks out a chair and sits opposite, noticing his father's jaw trembling with nerves.

"What if something happens to her?" the younger asks more calmly.

"You must admit that there are more guards and better conditions," Do asks for water. "If something happens to her, it is most likely to be here. Let her go, let her walk, and she will be grateful to you. Trust me, trust her love for you." the man grimaces.

"If Rene doesn't come back in two weeks, I'll go get her."


Rene is overjoyed at the news of the trip. Still, at the same time, her joy is overshadowed by the upcoming separation from Axel. The girl reassures herself that Axel sometimes disappears for weeks on assignments and time will fly by quickly, and continues to pack her things in a small suitcase. They will go to the border with security, and on the other side, they will be met by the people of Inna's father.

Axel arrives home just as the women are getting ready to leave. He takes Rene's hand and pulls her aside.

"In two weeks, I will wait for you. Write me every second."

"You write to me too."

"Don't walk alone. Be careful. If there is any danger, call me. I don't care that we're in different territories; I'll come over!" Axel strokes her cheekbones with his thumbs.

"Okay," Rene buries her face in his chest. After standing there for a couple of seconds, she walks toward the waiting car.


Due to the unexpected promotion after saving Chan's girl, Axel has not a minute of free time. Still, even with so many tasks, he continually thinks about Rene and writes to her at least twice a day. Men now often hang out in one of Chan's pubs, where they already have a table assigned to them. They drink beer, discuss their affairs and, as in the old days, try to joke that it is difficult. With every new year, the guys are gloomier and more lost in their thoughts. Aken has already started stuffing the wolf on his back, so tonight, he's the only one who's content with cola. Leo's sleeves are already full, just like Axel's. Only Dev has a small tattoo on his back.

Aken meets with a girl from the cartel, often disappears with her. Leo does not have a permanent relationship, and at the same time, he is always in women's company. Dev is in love with someone but only dreams of reciprocity and takes no steps. Axel hasn't dated anyone in the past year, even though he's been in a relationship a couple of times before.

After the pub, Leo suggests calling some girls and driving to the bay. The men agree, and they end up meeting dawn by the water on a night off from work. The guys make a fire on the shore and admire the way the girls are dancing in the light of the headlights.

Everyone does it except Axel, who prefers to admire the flames licking dry branches as he did as a child. Axel is bored. Even though he often doesn't see Rene for days, he knows that she is at home. Now he doesn't even show up at home and counts down all the days until her return.

One of the girls drops down next to Axel and takes his hand in her hands, brings it to her lips. Axel smiles at her, strokes her cheek, pulls a strand of loose hair behind her ear, but he sees nothing in her eyes except for the reflection of flames. In Rene's eyes, Axel looks at the universe and even forgets about his war next to her.

Rene grew up; from a clumsy and annoying little girl, she turns into a wonderful woman, and with every following day, she only blooms, sprouts in Axel's soul. Axel loves her smile, which makes him ache inside. He loves her quiet voice, her sleepy face in the morning on her pillow, and loves everything about her and even what annoys him in others. Most of all, Axel loves her huge heart, kindness, the way she even steps over herself so that his loved ones do not do anything wrong. Axel knows that she misses him madly, but she doesn't upset her parents. He loves Rene both as a "sister" and as a woman, and no one can handle such love, not even the distance.

He will be patient, wait for his girl and press her to his chest again.

* The title of the chapter is "Take my love with you" (Spanish: Llévate mi amor contigo.)