
Love Don't Live Here Anymore

R-18 Elise's story is filled with unexpected twists and turns, but she is a resilient young woman who faces challenges with courage and determination. When Elise discovers the truth about her boyfriend's betrayal with her half-sister, it is a painful blow to her already complicated life. The upcoming confrontation at the twins' birthday party adds even more tension to the situation. Elise must decide whether to seek revenge or take the high road and move on from the hurtful betrayal. As she approaches her 18th birthday, the mystery of the information her mother left for her and her father deepens. It could be anything from a hidden inheritance, a family secret, a message of love and guidance, or even a revelation that could change her life forever. With the support of her loyal best friends, Deonne and Christian, and the strength she inherited from her late mother, Elise has the power to overcome these challenges and emerge stronger than ever. The choices she makes in the face of betrayal and the secrets revealed will shape her future and lead her toward fulfilling her dreams and aspirations. ********** Author's Note: Please follow me, comment, and vote. It lets me know how I'm doing with the story. Thanks in advance!

MRC_Johnson · Urban
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15 Chs


 Elise sat in her room, the fading light filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the walls. The melody of Rose Royce's "Love Don't Live Here Anymore" filled the air, the soulful lyrics wrapping around her like a comforting shroud. She gazed out the window, watching the colors of the sunset merge and fade, lost in thought.

 Suddenly, her father's voice echoed from the living room, "Elise, could you turn that up a bit, please?"

 Elise sighed and raised the volume of the record player, the music swelling, filling the room with melancholic beauty. She knew this song was special to her father, a poignant reminder of lost love and shattered dreams.

 As the final notes of the song lingered in the air, Elise's father entered her room. His eyes held a mixture of sorrow and longing, mirroring the emotions that the song evoked.

 "Elise," he began softly, "Do you understand why this song means so much to me?"

 Elise met his gaze, seeing the raw emotion etched in his face. Without a word, she nodded, a silent acknowledgment of the pain and heartache he had experienced.

 "It's about lost love, Elise. About realizing that sometimes, love just isn't enough," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.

 Elise felt a lump form in her throat, the weight of his words settling heavily on her heart. She reached out, squeezing his hand in a gesture of understanding and support.

 "I never want you to experience that kind of pain, Elise," he continued, his eyes searching hers for reassurance.

 "I know, Dad," Elise whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "I understand."

 Her father gave her a small, sad smile before turning to leave the room. As he reached the doorway, he paused and looked back at her.

 "Just remember, Elise," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of hope, "Love may not live here anymore, but it's still out there, waiting for you."

 With those words hanging in the air, Elise watched him leave, the echoes of the song mingling with the fading light of the sunset, a bittersweet symphony of love and loss.

 Elise reflected on how much her father relied on that song in tough times after her mother Anais passed away. Music was his escape. She remembered the days when he would play it on repeat, drowning his sorrows in its melody. It was as if the song held a key to his broken heart, a solace in moments of unbearable grief. Elise often found herself peeking into the living room, watching her father lost in the music, his eyes distant yet filled with memories. She understood then, more than ever, the power of a song to heal wounds that seemed impossible to mend.

 Elise finally understood the true meaning of those lyrics when she suffered heartbreak of her own on the day of her high school graduation.

 I couldn't believe my eyes as I stood outside of the empty classroom, eavesdropping on my boyfriend of four years, Louis, having an intimate conversation with my younger half-sister, Delphine. The world went quiet, and my heart began to race as I listened in disbelief. "Break up with Elise!" Delphine's voice, laced with impatience, pierced the air, leaving an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach.

 The weight of her blatant disregard for my feelings made it hard to breathe as I strained to hear Louis' response. "I don't know Delphine, it's not that simple," his hesitant voice filtered through the door, sending a tremor of betrayal down my spine. The world around me faded into a hazy blur as I grappled with the shocking revelation that tore through my heart.

 The words hung in the air, heavy with implications I wasn't ready to face. The one person I trusted with all my heart, the one I believed would never hurt me, was entangled in a web of deceit with my sister. It was a betrayal so profound, that it felt as if the ground had shifted beneath me, leaving me adrift in a sea of disbelief and heartache.

 My mind raced, trying to make sense of it all, but the pieces refused to fit together. Louis and Delphine, whispering sweet lies behind closed doors, conspiring against me. The pain of their deception cut deeper than any blade, a wound that seared my soul with every beat of my broken heart.

 As their voices faded into the distance, replaced by the hollow echo of my shattered trust, a wave of anger surged through me. How could they do this to me, to us? The love I thought was unbreakable now shattered, scattered like shards of glass at my feet.

 I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my palms, and took a deep, shuddering breath. The air felt thick with the weight of their betrayal, suffocating me with its suffocating embrace. I wanted to scream, to rage against the injustice of it all, but no sound escaped my lips as I stood there, frozen in a moment of profound loss.

 The tears welled up in my eyes, blurring the world around me, distorting the harsh reality I couldn't escape. Louis, the boy I once thought I would spend forever with, is now a stranger in my own story. Delphine, the sister I trusted without question, was now a shadow of deceit haunting my every thought.

 A deep, guttural sob tore through me, the pain of their betrayal ripping through my chest like a jagged knife. I felt raw, and exposed, as if the walls I had built around my heart had crumbled to dust, leaving me vulnerable and alone in a world suddenly devoid of love.

 As the song "Love Don't Live Here Anymore" played on, its haunting melody intertwining with the broken pieces of my shattered heart, I understood the true meaning of its lyrics. Love, once a sanctuary, is now a distant memory, a ghost of what once was, a reminder of the pain that lingered in its wake.

 I sank to the ground, the tears streaming down my face, a silent witness to the unraveling of my world. Alone in the darkness, surrounded by echoes of a love that no longer existed, I knew that I would never be the same again.

 As I pulled away, a new resolve hardened within me. I must somehow get through this. I must endure. This can't break me. So, I made a silent commitment to seek the truth, to unravel this tangled web of deceit, and to face the betrayal that had shattered the walls of my heart.

 "Elise, are you in there?" Deonne's voice drifted through the door, laden with concern.

 I wiped away my tears, trying to compose myself before opening the door. "Yeah, I'm here," I replied, my voice strained.

 Deonne's eyes widened as she took in my puffy eyes and trembling lips. "What's wrong? You look like you've been crying."

 I shook my head, unable to form the words to describe the turmoil raging inside me. "It's nothing. Just tired from all the graduation chaos."

 She stepped closer, her brow furrowing with worry. "Elise, I know something's not right. You can tell me."

 I took a deep breath, trying to steady my voice. "It's Louis and Delphine. I overheard something I shouldn't have."

 Deonne's eyes widened with understanding and anger flickered in their depths. "What did you hear? Tell me."

 I recounted the painful exchange I had overheard, the betrayal leaving a bitter taste on my tongue as the words spilled out. Deonne's hand tightened around mine, a silent gesture of support as she listened.

 When I finished, a heavy silence settled between us. The weight of the revelation hung in the air, suffocating in its impact.

 "I can't believe this," Deonne muttered, her voice laced with disbelief. "Louis and Delphine are both in the wrong for this. How could they do this to you?"

 "I don't know, Deonne," I whispered, fresh tears welling up in my eyes. "I trusted them."

 Her grip on my hand tightened. "We'll figure this out, Elise. You won't have to face this alone. I promise."

 I nodded, the weight of her promise bringing a sliver of comfort during the storm. "Thank you, Deonne. I don't know what I'd do without you."

 She offered a small, sad smile. "You don't have to do this alone. We'll get through this together."

 As the night folded around us, the distant notes of "Love Don't Live Here Anymore" echoed through the house, a song that resonated with the shattered fragments of my once-whole heart. And in that moment, I made a silent vow to rise from the ashes, to seek the truth, and to find a way to mend the broken pieces of my soul.

 The journey ahead seemed daunting, but with Deonne's unwavering support, I knew I wouldn't have to face it alone. Together, we would unravel the twisted web of deceit and confront the betrayals that threatened to consume us. It wouldn't be easy, and the road ahead would be fraught with pain and uncertainty, but I was determined to emerge from the darkness, stronger and wiser.

 As the night extended its shadowy embrace, a new resolve took root within me, blossoming into a beacon of hope amidst the wreckage of my fractured heart. This couldn't break me. I would endure. And the truth, no matter how agonizing, would set me free.

Hello everyone,

Writing this book is hard especially when my thoughts are all over the place. I've done some editing on the chapters I've already released. I hope you enjoy them.

MRC_Johnsoncreators' thoughts